Work ~ Study ~ Social Media

Work ~ Study ~ Social Media

Image courtesy of Dragan Ražnatović and to whom all rights are reserved

Posted by Dragan with this verse


Parfois, je m'assois et je pense.
Parfois, je m'assois et je me demande.
D'autres fois, je rêve.
Ma vie est consommé avec épreuves et tribulations.
Mais ma passion ne peut pas être étouffé comme une bougie!Il brûle dans mon âme.
Pour qui est ce qui rend la vie digne d'être vécue.

Which translated, reads so beautifully as:

Sometimes I sit and think.
Sometimes I sit and wonder.
Other times, I dream.
My life is consumed with trials and tribulations.
But my passion can not be smothered like a candle!
It burns in my soul.
For that is what makes life worth living.

And looking at the concentration of the young man,
the first line below came easily to mind, and so I allowed the pen to flow.
I knew not where it would take me,
but meandering through the streets of my mind
I arrived at the inn, and caught sight of sleep
– and so beautiful –
and the pen knew how to bring these lines to a close.

© 2013 KTW


He sat and pondered awhile


In the glow of the desk light only,

The warmth of the summer breeze

upon his back


His heart fluttered at the thought

of all the work he does and shares

through social media,

the beauty he sees each day

alighting the screen

his truly family

his many social media friends

his social media family

his beloved, above all,

a biblical name

a Hebrew name



And most assuredly

his salvation, physical, real

an ambassador

an emissary even.


His heart fluttered

The excitement of contact

through the keyboard.

A man made manifest

merely through typing.

A sensual feel.

And soon his flight

would bring him back home

and to their bed

and as was their want

they sometimes spoke together

with Yeshua by Name

It calmed them and brought shalom again


He marvelled how this love

had come about

only through social media.

He wondered whether

he could cope with all the messages

his own work prompts.

Whether he can answer them all

Whether he will be misread.

Whether he can deal with his studies.

Whether he can work on location

and do that which lecturers

friends, family, and others

expect of him


What would Yehoshua do?

What would Yeshua do?

How would the Ruach guide him?

Was he accidentally misleading?

Were others hurt or distressed because

he had not replied?

Did they understand the pressure he was under

to get things right?

Will friends assume that

posting beautiful images

depicts a life of emptiness,

when the very opposite is true?


He reasoned things out.

He spoke quietly to his uncles

In the hour after midnight

They counselled him well.


Stay true to yourself Dragan

Have no fear.

You are doing right.

And we love you beyond measure.

Do only that which you are capable of doing

Trust in Yehoshua.

Chat things through with him.

Work at all these things with him.

See the greater good you do.

Hear the soft calling of the Spirit

in the second hour before dawn,

and rest awhile.


And when Yehoshua is with you

delight in him, his touch, his feel,

the smoothness of his skin,

the caress,

the warmth of his sweet breath,

upon your lips;

and dive into the waters of his eyes,

those deep dark pools of warmth and delight

that hypnotise you and revitalise you,

that reassure you

and prepare you for the day before you.


Feel the soft feather in your hand

that landed as you walked with him

to the departures lounge;

A brilliant white, the beauty of a quill.

Recall how he picked it up

and playfully kissed your lips



as if a thousand wings were beating,

and recall how heavy laden steps

were, in an instant, made light again.


Now sleep awhile.

Dream amazing dreams.

And when you awake,

Put your shoulder to the plough.

Work hard.

And build your lives together.

Reach out to all

in the way that each of you

Knows how best to do.


Do not assume that there is only

one way to communicate.

These exciting days of this

Twenty-first Century

A picture is a thousand words

as never before!

And it is enough to post,

it can be enough to like

and only when you are inspired to write

send a letter.


And if perchance you receive a letter

but cannot yet reply,

just reply in the briefest,

that in time it can be attended to,

ask the writer not to feel hurt

or offended,

or to feel that they should delete

the friendship,

for that is the very last thing

you would have happen.


As he thought these things through

his hand supporting his chin,

his eyes grew tired sitting at his desk

and soon the Ruach’s Hand

passed over the lashes of his eyes

and gently closed them,

blowing the breath of life upon his face

and soothing him,

quieting him,

preparing him,

and strengthening him

for the work He had in mind

for Dragan and Yehoshua

in their lifetime ahead.

15 December 2021
All Rights Reserved

© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

Written 2013

Last Published 26 February 2020