Muse by Драган Ражнатовић

Renaissance Man ~ Second Edition

First shown 2014


MY "MUSE' - Драган Ражнатовић

I have seen the depths of Hades

and the solemn beauty

of the Elysian Fields.

From refugee

to Rhodes Scholar.

In 20 years the sum

of all my fears

have been realized

as well as my faith restored.

The very nature of my existence

is based on the premise

that Man is precious

and yet

eternally persecuted

for his beliefs

that are either inherent

or instilled since birth.

The very definition

of his sexuality

is what the fates have set upon him

wishing only

that he prosper and love.

This sexuality is never fully understood

and yet…

it is driven by passion

and an intense well spring

of glorious exaltation!

I am what I am

and what I am

needs no excuses.

Therefore I stand



but always aware.

I am eternal

yet never fully existential,

for I am he,

the one,

the guardian of the gates.

My soul purpose

is to guide the lost souls

that inhabit the Plain of Jars

to the Elysian Fields.

I will keep the memory of those

that came before me,

by actions and deeds,

not words.

It is my destiny

as well as my charge!

So heed these words

and hear my wisdom

when I say…

I am he…

the one, the guardian,

for all time.


Dragan Ražnatović



Долази од тебе

Она доноси сузе на очи

Ви сте визионар

Да, ја сам муза,

Ти си у мојој души,

Ти увукла у некако

А пламен је почео да расте

То ме греје преко

Ова груба зима

 "Бог нам је благословио све и свашта!"

Драган Ражнатовић





Dolazeći iz tebe

To donosi suze na oči

Vi ste vizionar

Da, ja sam muza,

Ti si u mojoj duši,

Vi uvukao u nekako

I plamen počeo rasti

To me grije kroz

Ova gruba zima

"Neka Bog blagoslovi nam sve i svašta!"


Dragan Ražnatović




Komende van u

Het brengt tranen in mijn ogen

U bent de visionaire

Ja, ik ben de muze,

U bent in mijn ziel,

Je kroop in een of andere manier

En een vlam begon te groeien

Het opwarmen me door

Deze ruwe winter

"God zegene ons een en al!"


Dragan Ražnatović




Von Ihnen

Es bringt mir die Tränen in die Augen

Sie sind der Visionär

Ja, ich bin die Muse,

Sie sind in meiner Seele,

Sie schlich sich in irgendwie

Und eine Flamme begann zu wachsen

Es wärmte mich durch

Diese raue Winter

"Gott segne uns alle und jeden!"


Dragan Ražnatovićl




Již od vás

Je to vhání slzy do očí

Jste vizionář

Ano, jsem múza,

Nacházíte se v mé duši,

Nacházíte se vloudila nějak

A plamen začal růst

Je to oteplování mě prostřednictvím

Tento hrubý zimní

"Bůh žehnej nám všichni do jednoho!"


Dragan Ražnatović




Ερχόμενοι από εσάς

Είναι φέρνει δάκρυα στα μάτια μου

Είστε ο οραματιστής

Ναι, είμαι η μούσα,

Είστε στην ψυχή μου,

Μπορείτε παρεισφρήσει σε κάπως

Και μια φλόγα άρχισε να αναπτύσσεται

Είναι με θέρμανση μέσω

Αυτό το τραχύ χειμώνα

"Ο Θεός να μας ευλογήσει ένα και όλα!"


Dragan Ραζνάτοβιτς




Исходя из вас

Она приносит слезы на моих глазах

Вы провидец

Да, я муза,

Вы находитесь в моей душе,

Вы закрались как-то

И пламя начали расти

Это потепление меня через

Это грубая зима

«Боже, благослови нас всех и каждого!"


Драган Raznatovic из и Ян Брэдли Маршалл


Coming from you

It brings tears to my eyes

You are the visionary

Yes, I am the muse,

You are in my soul,

You crept in somehow

And a flame began to grow

It’s warming me through

This rough winter

“God bless us one and all!”




Dragan Ražnatović 

9 September 2023
All Rights Reserved


© 2023 Ian Bradley Marshall


Digital Artwork by IBM KTW

 Last shown on 2 January 2014

This was, and remains, a central part of my spiritual and metaphysical connecttion with my City, Liverpool


Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.