Night Sounds over the Wirral Peninsula

Night Sounds over the Wirral Peninsula


Night Sounds over the Wirral Peninsula


Platonic Friendship ~ A Glimpse

The lateness of the hour,

Oh it doesn't matter!

Let's just enjoy the view

Birkenhead before us

And Brighton-Le-Sands too.


Look at the ferry

Yes - it's the last one too

Yeah I know that, I guess

that's why it's ploughing through!


Yep - I guess some sore head

is going to be for a barrowful tonight

Yeah I think so too

But they were good lads really

Just out for the fun

and the girls too ...


Hey doesn't Liverpool look great

at night!

Yep it sure does tip the scales

from Newcastle, but only just.

They have three bridges


Yeah - we've got the three Graces


But then they've got the angel of the north too!




I guess we'll call it a draw - wye aye lad!


Oh come off it, you'll be telling me when the boat

comes in if we carry on like this!


So anyway.

Am I going to meet your folks at all?

Yeah, course you are


Yeah but when? You always seem to put it off

No I don't

Yes you do

Well it's not every house that doesn't just have

a gay coloured door


Who are you calling a door?

No you know what I mean

Yes I do, you're embarrassed

and hope I'll go away


But look! You can't live life like that

You mark my words you'll live in denial

And you'll crucify yourself

And do untold damage to all those

who mean the most to you


Be up front

Sod the bigots

Tell 'em where to go

It's their problem, not yours


Nah! Don't agree. 

Don't need to crusade

though I grant we need to throw a hand

But don't feel obliged


Just enjoy life

Make the most of it

Live it in the way He meant you to

I promise He won't kick arse

It's the priests and pastors who do that


Ummm! I guess you're right there too.

What a mess this world is in ...

The hell on earth that so many have to live

... it gets worse by the day


Yeah, I know


And I also know that I feel like panicking

whenever I feel like that Pearl Harbor Nurse

who drops the tray amidst the bombs

"I don't know what to do!"


Hey, come on, this is depressing.

Stop it.

We've got life


True. Soz mate.

Let's live it to the full

Let's not worry about what others think

Let's enjoy each day

as He would have us do

Let's live in memory of our forbears

Let's remember their sacrifices too


All the trials and tribulations

of family histories

And yet still we find ourselves here

on this Point

looking out to Sea

Birkenhead to our left

and now Brighton Lighthouse afore us.


A long pause ... each pondering


Ehrmmm! You say all that 

and it sounds great


another pregnant pause


All very eloquent and from the heart

I'm sure

But you don't follow it through


Silence - long - catching the Bell sounding off the Brighton Lighthouse

A long draw on the ciggie

The light in the ash the only glow in the darkness


Can you see that Lighthouse from your window?

Yep, I look at it every day

It helps me to get my bearings

even though its beam is long extinguished

But I have this other beam


Oh yeah? Which one

This one


Well I can't see any beam!

You must have had too much to drink again!!


Nah! I'm teetotal


Then it's al them blinking antibios you're on, tehehe!

Or else the caffeine!!

Oh yeah!!


No it's this beam

This silver line across a silver sea

THIS is my path, my beam

THIS is my equilibreum

It leads me always to light

THE Light

So I know I'm safe


Another glow of ash and the warmth of silence


I like that you know - the silver path


Yeah - and it reminds too of something

I wrote at school too



Yeah. A poem about my family's holidays

in Cornwall

I've lost it long ago

But two lines stick in my memory


Yeah? Which ones?


Sand in one's sandwiches

Grit in one's teeth!


Oh brilliant

That's just what we had here on Crosby beach too


Come on

Race you back to mine


First back puts the kettle on


Yeah. And don't let Lady out again you prat

You took me half the night last time to find her


Ha-ha! Yeah but then when can a Puma

take on a Merc?!!!!


June 28, 2022
All Rights Reserved


© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

Last published March 19, 2021

First written September 7, 2006 (Friday 2.06am)

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.