Game of Shadows


Game of Shadows

Relationships, this Gamutshadow we all play

Part I


Everything is but for a time and season

People come

People go

Relationships start, then end

sometimes by mutual agreement

when their life has fizzled out


Other times …





The other in shock


They must have done

something wrong!

But what?


It is not a case of using

It is not a case of abusing

It is the way of the world


All of us without exception

are constantly evolving …


Changing our positions

Our attitudes

Our feelings


What is in today

Is out tomorrow

What is declared tomorrow

Is in the closet today


Others step into the frame

Whispers are listened to

Judgment is clouded

in the heat of the moment

when one’s thinking is 

just orgasmic


The great build-up

The crescendo

And gone in an instant


‘I must go and clean myself up’

The cold rationale steps lightly in



Cut off



These now are the shadows of ‘Need’


These Games of Shadows

played a myriad times

by every soul the Ages down

Every hour

Every day

Decades here

Centuries there


All is emptiness …

As it is written


Part II


What antidote, pray?


Pass on!


As a ship in the night

whose lights are seen from

the deck afar off


Wave, and say ‘Goodbye’

Be thankful!


Then count the cost,

the blessings,

the cursings …


Look at the Ledger

B plus C equals Present

B minus C

hopefully in Credit


In which case, Rejoice!

It is a new day

New lessons earned

New areas of danger,

now flagged,

And thus a wide berth

for Future


Part III


In this Game of Shadows

it is folly to dwell,

because that is all it is …


A Game

A Game of Shadows


We see others only as

we perceive ourselves

We presume they have

our take on things

And so we play it out

as always,

in endless wars …


On the field

In the kitchen

At the office

On site

On location

In the shoot

In the bathroom

In bed


The pendulum swings

And back it swings again!

We hang on

for grim death

wind in our hair

I’ll see it through! 


Ah Yes

He’ll be there

She’ll be here

Always is!


A welcome port of call

in storm and calm

the kettle always boiling

Decanter awaiting

or something stronger

But time ticks on

and waits for no one

Time ticks on

through the maelstrom

of conflicting emotions


What on earth went wrong?

More to the point,

What the hell did I do wrong?

Did I say something?

Miss something?

God forbid … forget something?


Part IV


Guilt is sometimes right

Guilt is often false

Foisted on the unsuspecting partner

in the scene now playing out


Yes. Guilt is sometimes right

But Guilt is cunning

donned, more often,

in that odious self-righeous cloak,

moving through the darkness

dancing in between the shadows …


The falsity wreaking havoc

Smashing work

Wrecking manuscripts


Projects : an abrupt end mid air

Date lines : now a meaningless note on a pad

A punch in the face from the dirty Mac

of what yesterday was presumed

to be Certain!


Part V


We have duties and responsibilities

to ourselves

but also to each other

The pendulum swings again

We lose our hair in the process

The next swing our clothes are off

Back again …

And the soul …

Was not there something

on the pendulum just now?


the Ant asks of the Dust mite

I think so


Well it’s not there now

Oh it’s called humankind

They’re at it all the time

that species!


They’re a very complicated organism

Watch them under the microscope

They sure do procreate,

become industrious,

Multiply beyond belief!


And then





G O N E 






They call it gamutshadow

Game of Shadows …


See you!


June 28, 2022
All Rights Reserved


© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Knutsford M6 en route south 10.19am
On the Moment’s Spur

Last published December 29, 2021

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.