Be Yourself 2010       |       Be Myself 2021



Be Yourself ~ 2010 | Be Myself ~ 2021

Penned in Blackpool in March 2010, it seemed a very daring act.

Working through the archive, eleven years on?

It is better placed here.

Reading afresh a friend’s comment by text in 2010 in regard to an equally ‘ambitious’ piece I Am Who I Am, 11 years on, here I am and my friend still happily touches the rudder.

What would it look like if written in the first person singular? That exercise follows at the end.

There is peace and contentment this evening. The water is calm, the sails are furled, the ensign neatly coiled, patiently awaiting the reveille. The gentle lapping against the hull will soon, very quietly, rock me to sleep and the joy of a new day in the morning.

Be Yourself


You sometimes forget
you just need to be yourself.
Let go.
Don't waste time on what
others think.

Odds On : You’ll have
imagined it anyway,
or misunderstood
and then tied yourself
up like a strangulated knot

If they’re offended by
your lifestyle
then they’ll never win;
but neither will come round
to your viewpoint.

They’ll write you off.
So don't waste the time
of day on them.

Why do you forget
who and what you are?
Are you ashamed?
If you are then
stand rebuked!

You are a fine man.
You've risen above
the mire.

You fought your way
to the surface.

You've not only grasped
and trod
most your life,
You’re now finding you
can swim,
you don't look any
different to them.

You're not classed as a criminal
And here’s the rub
You never were
in the first place.
But don't get bitter.
Leave judgment to

Get on with life,
What did Steve say
to you?

‘I AM WHO I AM’Is courageous
Still my favourite
And I can accept
you using a pseudonym
to protect your work
but if for another reason
then I shall be disappointed
for you should be proud
of who and what you are
You are one of the beautiful people.
Live it!

Enjoy it!

Seize it!’

In the background

the Ethereal Sounds


Tchaikovsky’s’ Symphony No 4 2nd Movement

La Fontana


March, 2010

Images, unless expressly stated, are from my Private Collection through Pinterest and with all rights thereto reserved Pinterest and to the Artist and to the Photographer 

Let us now, eleven years on, write this in the first person:

Be Myself

I sometimes forget
I just need to be myself.
Let go.
Don't waste time on what
others think.

Odds On : I’ll have
imagined it anyway,
or misunderstood
and then tied myself
up like a strangulated knot!

If they’re offended by
my lifestyle, fine.
They’ll never win;
but neither will I bring them
round to my view.

They’ll write me off?
It matters not.
Don't waste the time
of day on them.

Why do I forget
who and what I am?
Am I ashamed?

If I am then
stand rebuked!

I am a fine man.
I've risen above
the mire.

I fought my way
to the surface.

I've not only grasped
and trod
most my life,
I’m now finding I
can swim,
I don't look any
different to them.

I’m not classed as a criminal

And here’s the rub
I never was
in the first place.

But don't get bitter.
Leave judgment to

Get on with life,
What did Steve say
to me?

‘I AM WHO I AM’ Is courageous
Still my favourite
And I can accept
you using a pseudonym
to protect your work
but if for another reason
then I shall be disappointed
for you should be proud
of who and what you are
You are one of the beautiful people.
Live it!

Enjoy it!

Seize it!’

Yep. I reckon that’s ‘game, set and match’

A touch of The Queen’s Gambit!

I like that! I really do!!

Life is a chess board.

And I love chess, so get on with life

29 June 2022
All Rights Reserved


© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

First written on 13 March 2010

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.