The Four Seasons Chapter Twelve ~ Rotation

The Four Seasons Chapter Twelve ~ Rotation

Chapter Twelve brings the original Four Seasons to a close but which then, by popular request, extended into The Four Winds and the celebration of Indigenous American Culture. Chapter 13 will, therefore, commence in April with the Sequel to The Four Seasons.


Part XIV

The Four Seasons

when I visited you
in Warton Street
twelve months past?

You liked my skirts
resplendent about your feet,
hinting at the ballroom dance,
a Pasa Doble
or ancient Latin calypso?

No, don't look sad
We each have our time,
each Season. . .

as it is written
for a time and a season.

I've returned, I know,
with something of a chill wind
in my train,
but worry not.

I will not yield
to my Sister
Winter, not yet.

Our younger Sister sleeps,
and already
in subterranean places
life germinates
and will, not long from now,
herald Her glorious arrival.

And you will rejoice
in the warmth of Her embrace,
my sister Spring,
as the long dark nights give way
to even longer days,
and Equinox gives way to Equinox.

It always seems an age, I know,
Long dark nights
And even shorter days
Equinox seems an age away
In reality only weeks

It is your patience that is tested here

Regal Summer
will tarry a few days longer
but She must, evanescent,
soon away,
to prepare for Her
resurgence and return
two seasons now
in ever greater spendour
when, leaning down,
She lightly touches
the branch
that all England is en-wrapt
the deep, brilliant green
The Great Horse Chestnut Tree,
Candles of White down south
Candles of Red up north

We will walk along
the Promenade,
just you and I,
A pause … Cheltenham Cenotaph
run our fingers over names
not erased from memory,
that touch of life by gentle finger-tip
to names departed, but never forgotten.

Always do this!

Have no fear,
your tribute through heaven
across Universe resonating
through and with
a thousand dimensions
and more besides.

For what you see now
is but a dull shadow of what
in time awaits, resplendant
and which no earthly tongue
in any hemisphere
can find the ability so to describe.

For it pleases Me without measure
to see you pay your respects
to Those Who Gave Their All
that you might occupy your time now.

Then recall those men and women
who, in far distant lands,
gave up their lives to preserve
others’ freedoms
or to seize vanquished freedom back
that, even so, impacted on your own.

Yes, for sure,
They Came in the Night! [i]
Yes, for sure,
They are Coming Down the Street Now [ii]
Let not that trouble you
We are with you.

Later still, in high summer,
sit beneath the great horse chestnut
in Bowness-on-Windermere
gathering about herself
the boats, afternoon cruises,
tea time hours

Wine and Dinner of an evening
and coffee mornings,
newspapers and chatter;
bemused and puzzled looks
at unreadable orienteering maps
oddly out of place with
millennials’ satnavs,
technocrats in nappies,
as mystifying
as Aunty’s old dial telephone
out in the hall in
Leamington Spa

Grandad, what’s a contour?

Mum what’s a relief?

Dad what’s a minor road?

Uncle what’s a Tor?

Then upon Clifton Street
to the North Shore Pier,
the lights above us
moving in the sea winds,
your scarf trailing horizontal
and cavorting with my
deep red
long dark hair
as on that dim and distant stride
in years past on Southport Pier.

Was it really
so long ago now . . .


Lights off shore
the P&O Arcadia
Inward bound
Port of call in Liverpool

… henceforth
to her Southampton
Winter birth.

See us all
for who and what we are
Moreover Who
we represent.

We are Creation’s Emissaries,
Proof of Creative Genius
Earth, Fire, Water, Air.

We are the Four Faces
of Creation.

By each
We grace you with His Presence
In our own particular way.

By His Grace
You obtain in turn a Glimpse
Of The Ruach HaKoDesh [iii]

Our brothers too,
The Four Winds
North, South, East and West

And Gaoh
Mighty Master of the Wind

North’s Bulky Bear

West’s Panther

East’s Mousse

And Naoga, the Fawn of the Doe,
Of my wonderful, beautiful brother,

Adieu my love
Until next year

Liverpool and Blackpool

September 2009 – September 2010



Chapter 13 marks the commencement of the Sequel to The Four Seasons, in April 2021 of The Four Winds | Die Vier Winde and which is interwoven

with the Seasons, and bringing to this tale what one young Mom described as her son’s nightly entertainment in his bedtime story

24 March 2021
All Rights Reserved

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022


[i] They Came in the Night

[ii] The Are Coming Down the Street Now (this will publish at 6 am UK Time on 18 June 2021)

[iii] The Holy Spirit | der Heilige Geist

Gaoh Mighty Master of the Wind

Gaoh Mighty Master of the Wind

The Great Goddess and Protector of Naoga, the Fawn of the Doe

The Great Goddess and Protector of Naoga, the Fawn of the Doe

The Great North Wind

The Great North Wind

The Great South Wind

The Great South Wind

The Great and Gentle West Wind

The Great and Gentle West Wind

The Great East Wind

The Great East Wind

Dajoji ~ West’s Panther

Dajoji ~ West’s Panther

Yaogah ~ North’s Bulky Bear

Yaogah ~ North’s Bulky Bear

And Naoga, the Fawn of the Doe, Of my wonderful, beautiful brother,  North!

And Naoga, the Fawn of the Doe,
Of my wonderful, beautiful brother,

Oyandone ~ East’s Mousse

Oyandone ~ East’s Mousse

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.