A New Look
This is the updated version in light of the Wars in Ukraine and Israel overnight.
Networks have all but stopped covering the War in Ukraine. Social Media, for all its faults, steps in to the fray and enables me to see what is going on in the War in Ukraine, and it is not good.
Part I
A new look is refreshing and always helps me to refocus, to clear the decks, to give myself a fresh perspective.
At home I tend to move things around two or three times a year.
With 104 Countries now taking a very active interest, especially in regard to LGBTQI+, I merged the Main Platform and the Poetry Platform thereby providing a harmonious balance between a whole range of subjects, and returning to the core of my time as the editor and owner of the former lifestyle magazines Liverpool Scene and its much superior metamorphosis, Liverpool CityLife back in 2007-2009.
The 2008 World Monetary Crash coincided with Liverpool’s Crown as European Capital of Culture, and as we entered a very bleak morning on 13 January 2009, I had no idea what was to unfold within the next 90 minutes as the economy collapsed, and by 1pm I had signed thirteen redundancy notices.
That was a terrible year. Then I look at the War in Ukraine and now the War in Israel aswell and there is no comparison.
Hell on Earth ~ die Hölle auf Erden
Then I look at the War in Ukraine
and now the War in Israel aswell
and there is no comparison.
Part II
This website is on one platform but of many layers. I was often asked why this website ‘is on two platforms’. Simply put, people did not want to see the more risqué articles. Even less so, risqué artwork.
As an editor I never liked this imposition of censorship. I refuse to live my life in an iron mask.
This is 2023. We should be way ahead. Instead, we are in reverse. We are returning to die Hölle auf Erden ~ hell on earth.
The Morning After
Mariupol, and now, Gaza.
But as this very dangerous century proceeds, we hear once again the sounds of ugliness ~ Fascism and Totalitarianism. Populism and Autocracy are simply examples of political correctness, that veil cast over the eyes so that the reality of evil is unseen, or at best, blurred.
It was time to merge the platforms, to stand up and be counted for who I am and what I am. I am not ashamed to be gay. To be honest, I’m proud to be gay.
You there! Yes, you. No, not you! The bod sitting next to you who looks like he’s trying to suck his body inside out in shock-horror at what I have just said. Get over it laddie. You too, grandpa. Get over it. You too, madam, yes, you exiting, followed by your huge posterior.
I take my time deciding which edition of one article should remain live and which should be deleted or, if uncertain, placed back into draft and review.
A very important principle underpins my life, and has done since I first expressed it when confronted by a couple of bullies in around 1973.
That principle stands and still stands when all other principles have fallen all around.
That last sentence rests upon a verse of scripture just to remind the religionists, the narrow-minded battalion, the born again brigade, that I know what I am about. Dare not to quote scripture, koranic verse or whatever floats your boat, to me. Sail away. If it helps you in your life, that is fine. But if it causes you to be the purveyor of cruelty, of terror, your boat will, very soon, be at the bottom of the pond.
What? Where is it? Look it up! You’ll find it in one of the Psalms. There’s one hundred and fifty of them so that should keep you quiet for the next couple of years at least.
The principle?
The Principle ~ A Foundation ~ A Pillar
Please do not presume that politeness indicates weakness.
Look over my shoulder, along five decades of life’s timeline. Tell me what you see.
Some sore heads.
Good. We are on the same page. Be away, please.
The door very quietly closes, feet on the other side tiptoe swiftly but even more quietly down the long hall accompanied by one bedraggled thought, “I aint crossing that one again!”
Part III
The separate aviation website Eyes to the Skies stands in its own right and is where we find the military and aviation articles, papers and book reviews; the book reviews actually appearing on both websites simply because we all like to wander around bookshops and decide what book or books we’d like to buy.
28 October 2023
All Rights Reserved
© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb
All Digital Artwork by KTW
First Written 12 September 2023 and amended on 27 October 2023
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.