The Four Seasons Chapter Nine ~ Spring's Exuberance

Like 2021, January and February 2010 were very cold months, with snow covering much of the country from John o’ Groats to Land’s End. Having taken several tumbles on ice, one - especially vicious - with the back of my head being the first to hit the pavement and my brief case spewing out its client files, I was very relieved when Spring arrived. Indeed, my exuberance was not an exaggeration!

Spring’s Exuberance

Easter Day in Blackpool

He is risen!

The clock has jumped an hour

Spring is here.

This great town of the North [i]

casts off her ghostly Winter

status, shop-fronts reopen

and neon vacancies

alight the streets again.

The chill wind

on the Promenade

threatens less

now that day is here.

Wind and Fury

have no hiding place.

How pleasant,

as Sun and horizon

take up their hazy liaison.

To sit, the windows open,

freshening air off the sea,

enjoying sausage and chips

from Seniors of Lytham …[ii]

‘that’s three pound thirty five

with a fanta thrown in for good measure

coz you’re a regular luvee.’

Great. Thanks!

‘Good day at the office luvee?’

Yes, thank you, and what a difference

with Spring’s arrival,

even office politics lessen!

‘You toddling back up the coastal road then?


Righty-ho … let me put an extra wrapping;

my lad … he says … temporary traffic lights again

his reason, he says, for bein’ late again …

Do me a favour. Let me know.

Mother winks.

Son from across the deep pans

winks too.

He knows I won’t say nowt

Mam knows too …

And what a lovely way

to wrap the day

and open this glorious evening!


Where did I park you, Beauty?


Ten miles later

up the northern coastal road

This daylight again!

Down south, already street-lighted

dusk sets in,

but up here

the Morecombe skyline once more, [iii]

North Shore Pier’s

splendid backdrop,

and soon Mark will

prepare his Victorian Tea Rooms

tide crashing around the stilts below.

And Steve has rallied!

Spring, and soon, Summer,

their encouraging embrace,

and we hope he calls in for tea.

He deserves this.

It will do Mark good too.

They’ve had quite a winter

yet gave me that peace

and warmth of home

in 16 Lord Street

in the Parisian Room.

It is still cold though!

By Easter Monday

crowds skidaddle beneath

upturned hoods and snorkel coats,

huddling Blackpool’s sea defences,

tiny balls in smooth-curved

anti-tidal concrete corners

oblivious to bottoms exposed

‘and it’s now the fashion

to show a crack or more above

your belt ‘

… a peculiar gender-less development

‘Those builders and scaffolders

started all that!

No decency, that’s what I say!’

Granny insists she can be like

Twiggy on the M&S Hoarding Boards.[iv]

But Gran, you’re twice her size!’

‘Oh shut up and mind yer tongue

I’ll have you know I turned

every man’s eye!’

‘Aye, I bet you did’ too!!’

‘Jason! Don't speak to Gran like that!

Here. Take this cash and get us some

Ice creams and your Gran a cup of tea.

Go on. Oppitt!’

‘Ah, thanks luv. I know he doesn’t

mean bad.

He’s a chip off the old block

just like yer Dad, God rest his soul.

It’s a bit nippy

lend us your Scarf luv;

I reckon you’ll be

burying me this year.’

‘Oh Mum don't start that again.

Snap out of it!

Stop feeling sorry for yourself!!

Morning, noon and night

on and on you go,

but you’re stronger than all of us!!!

I swear, the moment I hear

you say that silly blessing

you’ll then be talking about burying!

‘Here Gran. Here’s your tea

and I got it right this time.

I put two sugars in with just

a dash of milk.’

‘Ah you’re a good lad Jason

even though you try my patience.

Yer Grandad woulda been

proud… … …

Gran eyes Mum

and for sheer devilment

… aye God rest ‘is soul!


Jase, you just get those

GCSE things

and do us all proud.

You’ll be the first

int family

to go to University.

Make your Grandma proud!’

22 February 2021
All Rights Reserved

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022


[i] Blackpool, Lancashire
[ii] Lytham St Annes, Lancashire
[iii] Morecombe Bay
[iv] Marks & Spencer - what joy it was to see Twiggy return from 1971 to a lifetime on, once again bringing delight to millions

Chapter Eight Winter’s Reluctance is here

Chapter Ten will publish next Monday, 1 March 2021

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.