The Four Seasons Chapter Eight ~ Winter's Reluctance
In 2010, Winter was most reluctant to leave and played a nasty game. In 2021, Winter is at it again, and this time with a malignant twist to her humour
Chapter Eight
Part IX
A Coffee House Chain
St Annes-on-Sea and Liverpool
31 January 2010
Spring smiles across the open street
alighting the windows opposite,
Winter angered on the other side
suddenly in the shade,
Her smile is radiant
Her embrace warming
as early commuters
cross the street,
hopping tram lines
to walk with her,
delighted, at last, to have her
as their companion again
on their morning constitutional.
Winter scowls in shadows opposite,
lurking on the corner
strumming varnished tallons
her ice-bedecked fingers,
ready to blast the unsuspecting,
their guard down,
all lipstick, makeup
and delightful high heels
clickety-click on a warm Spring morning
and then ‘thwack’!
and lashing out for all she’s worth
with a Force Nine
off the Mersey!
Decorum is lost
by the Royal Liver Building;
skirts fly up as if standing over
blasts of New York subterranean air,
but with swift recovery!
Toots from horns in the nose-to-tail
one toot too many
bang, crunch,
and fists and taxis and suit jobs
seemingly in a scrum …
Ah, that’s a nice one
even tho I say it myself!
No injuries, but a lot of bent metal
inflated egos deflated like
an exploded air bag;
yes, that’s good
Now let’s see what I can do with
the bust stop b’nanas!
Spring tenderly embraces;
warmth, calm, peace,
well-being restored,
hair put back in place
in slightly shocked
side glances in shop windows.
And on the Strand
they’ve calmed down too
exchanging names,
You want my address too?
And Plod passes by all stripes
and self-importance
and that well-trained
But Sarge! Shouldn’t we help them?
Look lad! Don’t get involved
We’re not here to serve the public
… you see, you gotta forget
the days yer dad was in the job
those days ‘ave gone
Winter eyes this weather-beaten
blows across the tarmac
… and bus-stop b’nanas
let out a cheer
as Plod careers into the high kerb
and the driver’s door falls off!
Even Spring concedes
Nice one Winter
He deserved it.
But go easy on that bus-stop…
And as the day progresses
for Seasons Trio,
Winter knows her time is over
bidding her reluctant sisters
her annual dragged out
oh so theatrical
reluctant farewell
until her return,
she hopes, prematurely,
on an early cold
September morning.
She glances.
Oh! How lovely is this stream!!
Such delight!!!
And with no warning
takes a population’s breath,
hits them ‘for six’,
frozen in an instant,
burst pipes and office mayhem.
She glances.
Oh! How lovely is this stream
Such delight!
And with no warning
taking a population’s breath
hits them ‘for six’
frozen in an instant
Her petulant smile,
her long lashes
take even Spring’s
champagne breath away
Why does she ALWAYS have to do that?!
In a sudden spring downpour and
unexpected thunderclap!!
that has the met office
pleading an “unexpected phenomenon
as two fronts collided”.
The weather presenter is summoned.
You had better have a very good reason
as to how you did not see that!
Right now, you’re the most unpopular
psuedo-celeb in Britain!
Get out!
Winter slips in through the crack
and slices coldness down
the director’s back …
Oh, what fun.
Methinks you had better have
an answer too
The Board will not be pleased
Shares and stock took a knock …
He shivers.
Line One. Oh no. The Chairman.
Might I have a word?
No. Not then. Pop along now please.
Winter encourages his move on.
Come along, get along there!
and giggling to herself …
Winter slips in through the crack
and slices coldness down
the director’s back …
15 February 2021
All Rights Reserved
© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.