Sir Richard Branson ~ 2009

Image from my Private Collection and with all rights reserved to the Photographer



Credit Card Billionaire

Entrepreneur Extraordinaire.

Virgin InterCity

Atlantic and Pacific

a US Space Shuttle too.

Commissioned by Number Ten

Adviser to The Whitehouse,

fighting noble causes

upholding dispirited peoples.

Giving second chances

third and even fourth,

this is the true entrepreneur,

compassion and understanding

to the fore.


29 December 2021
All Rights Reserved

© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

A Commission by Stephen Collett, Artist of Liverpool, Berlin, New York and Shanghai
in June 2009 relating to his Study on Canvas of Sir Richard Branson for the Liverpool Exhibition of his Works

Republished in September 2009 in Idle Thoughts~ An Anthology of Poetry and Prose
and published by Spiderwize