Winter's Arrival ~ Again Premature ~ Unwelcome! Always So Impatient!

Winter's Arrival ~ Again Premature ~ Unwelcome! Always So Impatient!

The Four Seasons and The Four Winds

TƒSs & TƒWs 2023

Winter's Arrival ~ Again Premature ~ Unwelcome! Always So Impatient!

Unexpected Arrival

Part I

Winter arrived tonight

Not so much from icy blast

But needs must draw the

Velvet curtains

From their long summer slumber


Winter made a premature return

This morning

A Hoare Frost

The Parkland enveloped

Footsteps meandering

In a criss-cross pattern



Domestic and wild

Marks of early morning swoops from on high

The sparrow hawk high in the sky

A beautiful white net cast over bush

Catching the postman's bag

Staying intact

But a vista of ice, caught by the naked eye

In mid air

A sound in the mind's ear

Of fingers light upon the harp

One lone trill through all the octaves

And then slowly back down to a single note

Written on the Moment’s Spur on Wednesday 19 October 2016 10.40 pm Pittville

Part II

Die Jahreszeit Herbst und die Jahreszeit Winter

Meine Schwester Herbst, es ist schön dich zu sehen.

Aber Verweile nicht, Schwester. Ich war sehr geduldig.

Meine Schwester Winter. Grüße.

Und immer, immer in Eile!

Ich werde noch etwa einen Tag bleiben.

Ich lasse mich nicht von dir hetzen.

Komm, Schwester! Lasst uns gemeinsam gehen.

Die Natur bevorzugt Geben und Nehmen.

Die Natur erinnert uns

dass das Leben von unserer Freundschaft abhängt.

Oh, sehr gut, Herbst. Wenn du musst!

Ich kann Ihnen von dem Spaß erzählen, den ich hier hatte

die britischen Inseln!

Ja, ich weiß, Winter!

Darüber müssen wir reden.

Wenn Sie nicht aufpassen,

Sie wissen Wer Sie entfernen könnte

aus der Naturgleichung, völlig!

My sister Autumn, it is good to see you.

But do not linger, sister. I was very patient.

My sister Winter. Greetings.

And always, always in a hurry!

I'll tarry another day or so.

I will not let you rush me.

Come, sister! Let us walk together.

Nature prefers we give and take.

Nature reminds us

that life depends upon our friendship.

Oh, very well Autumn. If you must!

I can tell you about the fun I had across

the British Isles!

Yes, I know, Winter!

It is that, that we need to talk about.

If you do not be careful,

You know Who, just might remove you

from Nature’s Equation, completely!

Autumn, They!

Winter, They!


Winter, You know WHO! just might remove you from Nature’s Equation completely!


Ian Bradley Marshall

3 November 2023
All Rights Reserved


© 2023 Ian Bradley Marshall

Digital Art by IBM | KTW unless otherwise credited


Unwelcome Winter may be,

but joy is always found

in the smile and acceptance

of Nature.

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.