James ~ Butterfly (Tattoo) ~ of James

James ~ Butterfly (Tattoo) ~ of James

Written 10 years ago, this is a verbatim note … an important lesson on the danger of prejudging. I’ve never forgotten it. I’d wondered why the tattoo was that of a butterlfy, and did not expect the explanation. Moreover, in high English or, as my generation says, Queen’s English. Again, this emphasises the importance of spontaneity in writing. Always have that pen, cell-phone, or notepad to hand.

James ~ Butterfly (Tattoo) ~ of James

Let’s not forget the power and immensity
of the Universe

You ask me why I have a butterfly tattoo?
Well, I love the sword on my arm
Because it denotes the sword of justice
In my right hand

And the butterfly
About its handle?
Well that’s a silent salute to Mum
Who’s no longer with us
And yet is with us if you get what I mean

Mum’s always loved butterflies
She’d point them out from as far back
As I can remember
So all the time I see a butterfly
I just think ‘Oh wow, there’s Mum again.
Watching over me’

Even though she bade a temporary farewell
When I was just 19

But no matter
I haven’t lost her at all.
And so that’s why I have my sword
And about its handle
This beautiful butterfly.

I’ll leave you now
And with it just this one thought.
Don’t just assume
We young guys have lost it
because we have these amazing

They mean so much to us
And it’s our way of giving
A salute, a hug and a thank you
To those we love,
even those tribal designs,
for we're in communication
with our roots
and with our Maker

Dedicated to James, one of the Apprentices at Gourmet Kingdom
You can meet him at one of Gourmet's Coffee Houses on
Exchange Flags by Liverpool Town Hall

Gourmet Coffee - Exchange Flags
Tuesday, 16 June 2012

(following a very brief verbatim conversation 5 minutes ago)


29 May 2023
All Rights Reserved

© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb

Author Note

Visiting Liverpool in October 2021, Gourmet has moved on. Everything is for a time and a season. Then we move on.

The conversation … just inside the door to the right, where I’d enjoy coffee every day. The artwork is by Jamie Gothard from a photograph taken by me. ©IBM 2021 © Jamie Gothard

The conversation … just inside the door to the right, where I’d enjoy coffee every day. The artwork is by Jamie Gothard from a photograph taken by me. ©KTW 2022 © Jamie Gothard