When I was young, no one explained to me ‘oblivion’, being eternally cut off and yet fully aware. A lifetime it has taken to reach this point …
He lay there pondering
What is this you have done?
Distant scriptures from his genesis
Invading his space
Piercing his soul
Convicting his spirit
He reasoned out his thinking
His rationale
His logic
He stretched himself in defiance
Rebuking those thoughts,
Rebuking that Question
with his own rebuke
You do not even exist!
A density of black
he had never imagined possible,
any light,
even a hint,
Impossible to see.
The more he looked
The more he searched
The more his eyes implored
that light should show itself.
his was the blackness
darker even than blindness
He sought suffocation
But even in that
the denseness,
thick congealed blackness
covered him
Oblivion reigned
Cut off
but forever aware of life
Life that had left him
I’m an atheist so you’ve
got no hold over me!
I have no desire to have a hold
Why would I bother?
What is to be gained
from a soul so wretched
it is torn asunder,
lying prostrate upon the wreck
of Jealousy and Envy
Of a demand to be Equal?
Part II
You can’t pin that on me!
I’m a lovely man
Are you?
It’s the others …
They hate me!
So I want to kill them
And do
Yes I know
In your life I observe
character assassinations,
And in my observation
I always find that you have been wronged
… not in truth …
… in your head …
wronged by your own
miscalculated reasoning
And so you turn on friends
You spread lies, gossip and deceit
And then you become a bully
A bully is a bore
A bully is a spiteful mole eating upon
the rump of humanity
Part III
Don’t talk to me
You don’t exist
Then why are you answering?
I do not exist in the forms that
humankind will have me,
Trussed up, strapped up, pinned down
between the lines of ancient writings
But be assured of this …
this too …
You made your choice
Don’t worry
You have many other lifetimes
to sort yourself out
I never give in
We never give
Each time you return
Die Hölle auf Erden
You learn a little more
Your subconscious remembers
something or more from
a previous life or lives
And gradually you
sort yourself out
But Oblivion is a place for no one
You alone have put yourself there
How long you stay
Well …
That’s up to you
But listen well
Stop besmirching those who
have done no wrong to you
Stop using Social Media
to argue your debased causes
Stop making threats
Stop trying to break up friendships
Your card is marked
I am saddened
I had great plans and visions for you
I know your potential
But you have thrown that in My Face
I know the love
you are capable of
Fortunately for you
I am of limitless patience
But your present predicament
you have brought upon yourself
And so, as with Nebuchadnezzar
You too must follow a similar path
But …
So at a time of your choosing
The congealed blackness
WILL concede to the glimmer
of light emanating from within you
Kenneth Thomas Webb
December 30, 2021
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© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2021
One of the Fifteen Founding Members of Leaders Lodge
Composed April 3, 2014