Oh God! Where is She?!

Oh God! Where is She?!
Henri Hotel Belcaire.jpg

Oh GOD!!

Where is she?

I know we argued

But I thought we’d made up

this morning on the phone

and I said I was sorry

I didn’t mean it

And she said she was sorry

And we both laughed

And we’d meet here

at Hotel Belclaire

for dinner tonight. …

breathless, anxious


Oh God!

She’s had second thoughts!

I just know it.

What do I do?

How do I convince her I love her?

How can I make her feel

like I see her

My Princess?

What do I do with these flowers?

For a fleeting moment

My heart raced with joy

as the flower seller handed them to me

and winked …



Now I've lost all…

All… …

with glee, despair strides the pavement, unseen, circling him


Oh God!

This is terrible…

 despair fast exits, regretting dalliance

‘Is it?’

A gentle squeeze of the elbow,

A lightness of touch

A touch not there!

Who said that?

'Have a look across the street'


Oh God!


The quiet unseen embrace,

Reassuring, fortifying … …


Oh my darling

You waited!

I was so worried!

I couldn’t call you…

In my dash to get to you

I left my phone on the table

And then we had this

awful snowdrift!



Darling – why are you crying?

That’s not like you!

Come on…brace up… …

Like you always tell me

a nervous giggle


Are those for me?!?

Ha! my sweet! 

You always choose

the most delicate for me…


And Lily of the Valley too!


How can a woman ever pass you by

My darling!

Come on!

Let’s go in.

It’s cold out here

And this gown is not really suited

To winter, hey.


Now come on…stop mumbling!!

You must be strong …

Best foot forward. …

Come on, stop that chin wobbling ...


There we are!

I've kissed it better !!


Hotel Belcaire 2.jpg

Oh my darling

You waited!

I was so worried!

I couldn’t call you…

… and we had this AWFUL snowdrift

Unseen, the emissary

Slipped a hand away,

As she took his elbow in turn,

The start of a new life.

And soon the snows of winter

will be gone,

and Spring will be here again.

Ian Bradley Marshall

9 September 2024
All Rights Reserved


© 2014 Ian Bradley Marshall © 2024 Kenneth Thomas Webb

Composed on 7 September 2014, and received its first of many readings in Liverpool venues later that month and through to Spring 2015 and last published on 31 October 2022

Author Note 

I have much to thank one person for developing my writing style whilst in Liverpool. He started reading my work through social media and, without my request, would send images that came to his mind and because of his work, imagery that he would be reminded of by something I had written.

A good friendship followed - we called it an Era of Enlightenment for us both. In time, images would be sent for me to consider writing about, the object being to apply what he viewed as a very individual, intimate and personal writing style, which should not be hidden.

Hotel Bellclaire is one such image. 

All good things come to an end when social media is involved. Jealously and Envy go hand in hand on public platforms.

I came off Facebook in 2015, and he was driven off, but the last I heard, he is now very happily married, and soon there will be the pitter-patter of tiny feet in their apartment in Paris.