Chapter Two
A Leopard Never Changes Its Spots
Now a long, long time ago, a very long time ago, in fact, all these lands inside this vast land had a big and almighty bust-up.
It was nasty. It was long. And it caused the deaths of over 620,000 people, all of whom belonged to this same vast land. It got mighty vicious when one side accused the other of promoting slavery. And the southern part of this vast land that did indeed believe in having slaves, took the view that their God had decreed in the bible that some nations (another name for lands and peoples) were to be slaves to others that were not to be slaves.
History's a funny thing though. And all around the world, slaves would then become masters and then revert to new slavery under new masters, and masters would become slaves under new masters, and so the whole world got into a right, foul mess.
And in this vast land of millions of people who took the view they were right, could not see anything wrong in thinking that people who were not the same colour as them, were not the same as them.
And if they weren't the same as them, then that big book they all read and gathered around every week, clearly decreed that some people were to be slaves. Well then, there it was, as clear as daylight. Written by God Hisself!
Brethren, Let us be clear!
It doth say in that most sacred Scripture, in the Book, THE Book mark you all, The Most Holy Leviticus that the Good LORD doth most explicitly alloweth participation of the slave trade therein, and, moreover, that non-Israelite residents who hath been sold into slavery being thus regarded as a type of chattel that may of course be inherited, generation by generation. Thus saith the LORD!
Oh, Yay Pastor, Yay!! Amen, and again Amen
Brother Benjamin dost make good his point, brothers and sisters…
It is quite clear, we the righteous ones may have slaves just as nations were enslaved to Israel by the LORD’s decree. I fear we would incur His wrath if we did not uphold this Principle.
Pastor Elmer is correct.
It is quite clear. We are Israel.
Umm… furthermore, um, um, um, um, um, um. um,… I do declare that we must, um, um, um, um, um, take whatever action that this revelation dost require to secure those in righteous bondage to us.
Well said Pastor Abraham!
Though I fear that your namesake, our President, may take a different view! Have no fear. Wisdom is our friend, and that means we do the will of Almighty God! We need have no fear from Mr Lincoln. And look at what we do!!
We bring spiritual enlightenment and hope to all those in Godly servitude to us.
They are, we must impress upon them, doing the LORD’S Work in accepting their servitude with grace, with humility with unconditional love. And that is a mightly and noble accomplishment Brethren.
Oh yay, oh yay, oh yay, oh yay… a chorus of pews replied.
And from the back row a particularly dirty little bum of all the dirty bums-on-pews crammed into the chapel …
ayh!!! and with good grace accept the righteous whippings … …
And the Sheep didst bleat a most prolonged
And so, there you have it!
Another teacake Vicar?
Who said that?! We have no vicars here! This is not that foul Britannia!
Take him out and wash his mouth with carbolic soap!!!!!!
Whereupon the sheep did get into a bit of bind trying to find their way out… leaving the spokesman in need of carbolic rinsing free to quietly slip by on hands and feet under the long row of stockinged pillars of the most illustrious brethren… Brothers Benjamin, Elmer, Abraham and wots-is-name, and wots-is name!
Out in the street, there was much consternated bleating from within the hallowed building…
Colour meant that you were either a slave or a master.
If you were coloured, any shade, you were a slave.
If you were one of them pesky natives that lived in there lands long before this lot arrived then you were unmentionable.
If you were white - which these people in this vast land took to be a sign of perfection, of being even identical to how God in the sky looked, well, then it was settled.
If you weren't white, you were not free.
And the more distinct the colour the more of a slave you were; so that people who were black suddenly had no hope at all, especially when this vast land started trading with other vast lands and empires to sell slaves to them to do all their work.
Now this vast land - well, vast lands - after that almighty bust-up, settled down and they had so frightened the shit out of themselves that they could fight like that, they all basically came together again, and they reaffirmed that their guy at the top, who they called president, would be their leader.
He'd be separate. Not unlike a king. And so they called the place Washington after their first president. And by and large, the world seemed happy.
All over the world, people saw their chance of life and freedom in the land of the free. It became the dream of billions to go there, to settle and live.
And for a while Someone glanced upon the Land of the Free, Someone Who could create simply by speaking into existence.
An Ageless Being. One of Many. Another, too.
So many that it would not be out of step to call them a Host. They bore no malice, they would bide their time.
Oooh. Are these ‘Someones", the Host?
Yes. Appiritions.
They are so wonderful and beautiful.
Yes but …
Nicholas, all people are like Someone, like the Host. Beauty comes from within. Never forget that.
Sorry Jasmine?
Well, you’re a little young, but you’re right. Lots of people certainly do not stay beautiful.
That’s right, Jane. Bang on target. Human nature. Your Mum’s right.
And yes, you’re right too, Theo. Animals are indeed better than human beings.
What do you mean, Lizzie, you haven’t seen a Leopard? Hang on, we’ll put that right straight away.
A Leopard never changes its spots
A chorus of Oh Wows!
Yes, okay Lizzie, I’ll print it off in the morning
for your wall.
What? You too Nicholas?
What, all of you?
Right. Okay. Now you know the drill everyone one the countdown it’s bathroom, toilets, wash teeth and … yes, and Gerry do NOT try and flush Jasmine’s toothbrush down the loo again … …
Three… Two… One … Whroooooooom!!!!!!
To be Continued
31 July 2023
All Rights Reserved
© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.