Image Courtesy of Victoria von Schaaf,
as the Artist of this beautiful Painting,
aged Eight Years,
and to whom all rights are reserved
and may not be downloaded or uploaded or pasted or otherwise produced
without the express (written) permission of the Artist
(September 5, 2014)
Dedicated to Victoria von Schaaf and to Garrett and to Nana
Mama, we love you very much
We know we’re tearaways at times
And I know I keep asking questions
But the thing is Mama
I'm nine and you’re … … (nervously)
Ah! Bro says it’s more than my life’s worth
To suggest your age
So I think I’ll agree with him
At least on this one, hey Mama!
That’s something to tell the coffee circle he-he
I've finally acknowledged that bro might
Just be right
Mostly wrong
But, well on this one, right!
Why are you smiling like that Mama?
That little dimple always comes
Usually when you’re going to tell me
The story of Pinocchio!
Now the thing is Mama
I'm now getting on a bit
And I can’t help feeling that
Teacher might be right.
Oh? And what has ‘teacher’ been saying
Young man?’
Well we were learning about
Teach’ had got this book called
Something about a nasty Norman king
Who made everyone tell his lords
What they owned
So he could raise taxes
Now this is a bit before your time Mama
Not a lot
But Teach’ said about 1082
Which I figure is a bit of a way back
So anyway
He says that the English had
A farm based on three fields
And they rested one field every year
Now get this Mama
That meant – and I got a Gold for this
‘coz I beat the know-alls in the class
on the answer ha-ha…
No. Alright Mom I won’t gloat
But I got a Gold…
I mean come on Mama
I'm almost an Olympian!
Okay Garrett you’ve got my attention
So tell me about this fallow field
Ah cool! Wicked Mama
You ARE COOL!!!!
Well, if the field is rested every third year
It means it will grow better when
The farmer sows his crops
Or the …how did teach’ put it?
Oh yeah… that the grass would be lush
For grazing!
Are you listening, Mama?
I mean this is important
And as Teach’ always says (rolling of eyes)
‘Class…give me your undivided attention please
then I will continue…!’ (and doing a pretty good impersonation
which Mom decides she'll keep to herself :) )
So… I've been thinking Mama
You know that painting you did
of Grandma-ma and you
when you were eight…?
Well I reckon you shouldn’t feel guilty
About not continuing to paint
I reckon you should paint when I read
I reckon, see, that your painting field
Has been fallow
Okay, Mama…
Maybe you have pushed the three year
Cycle a bit
But I guess that at your age there’s got
To be a bit of forgetfulness
So I don’t think that God is going to
Be annoyed
I mean I don’t think He’s even going to say anything
But I think you’ve got to … oh what do you call it Mama
When you tell me?
It’s like gift… but it’s not… it begins with the letter Tee I think
Ah yeah Wicked Mama
Got it!
You’ve got to use your talents MOM!
Now I gotta say something Mama at this stage
I've told ALL my friends that
Not only are you the best and most loving and wisest
Mama in the whole wide world…
And that you lick any other Moms up no problem…
But you can paint portraits
And have been since you were younger than me
AND they’re framed!
So there… I told ‘em.
And hey …
Mom – I've just remembered that word
Talents cropped up in Sunday school
I don’t know if it’s the same
But you’ve got this lovely field of talent
And it’s now coming out of fallow
And you’re going to reap a right heap big harvest
Awwww Mama
You’ve got that look again
That look that always tells me you’re gonna
Hug me
And then give me a great big ice cream
From the Freezer!!!!!!
Come on Mama
High Five me
I'm an Olympian!!!!!!!!!!
But don’t tell bro
Coz he’s only a Bronze
So he’s a small Olympian hehe
Love you with all my heart Mom
We know it’s not your birthday yet
But we’ve saved our money up
Got you an early pressie
Here goes
We saw your paintbrushes
And artists palette
We weren’t sure what colours to get
So we got
Gold because your priceless
Silver because you’re the best
Bronze because you’re doing well despite
being born before the cell-phone
Poor you Mama!
Then we got ochre and a tube I can’t pronounce
but Teach said it’s what makes trees turn different colours
in the Fall
Hey Mama – they're weird in England
They call Fall – this old-fashioned word – Or-term!
Well weird!!
I wonder if they’ve got cars yet?
8 July 2022
All Rights Reserved
© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022
Written 24 February 2014