

Open the wings of your thought

to see the light

and the majesty of this world…


It is true, I mark you

the saying…

that men have entertained us

without knowing it


We alight beside you


unless commanded by our Maker

to reveal


Sometimes that revelation may be


As with a touch

feather-like upon your cheek

the squeeze of the shoulder

close to your neck

ever so light


Others speak of a mighty wind

Sweeping them as if from nowhere

But out of the danger that suddenly

befell them


Our downdraught alone can shake nations

should the Powers and Principalities move as one

But that is rare

Done only upon the utterance of

The Most High Ancient of Days

We, Their royal circle

We, the Proclamation of their Existence

Their Deity


On other times we will sit

and talk with you

When you are quiet and at peace

Wondering why that sense of oneness

Overcomes you;

That gentle touch of the finger

at the appointed hour

That shifts your eyes to the clock

Above the counter

quietly reminding you

your desk awaits

It is time to get back to your work


We are the unseen

above the battlefield

We do not engage

But we do assist in a myriad ways

Quickening your senses

Alerting you to danger

Not often

we will even speak out a word




awaking you


usually your name


just one syllable


but so powerful, so real


that every instance is marked


on the time line of your life


You recall every instance



Like our Maker

Your Creator

We are outside time

And thus we move the heavenlies

Like you, we see the past

But we see the future too

before it is unfolded;

Life’s blueprint opened up to us

sufficient to enable us to assist.

But the rest concealed

to guard against our attempting

to overcome your free will,

The directive of our Maker

The Most High Ancient of Days


But here is the difference

Between you and me

When you are in that most secret place

In communion with Them

Not even the Great Archangel Michael

nor even Lucifer

can hear your utterances

That communication is secret

25 June 2023
All Rights Reserved

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2023

First written on 26 February 2020