In This Quiet Evening Hour

In This Quiet Evening Hour

Written in an older English, this piece swipes at those - of any religion - who would have us return to medieval times through their religious convictions, because, they argue, such times were in closer proximity to their gods; of their idea of what they see as their god.

This little conversation is a rather direct one-sided reply from "those gods". I use the plural, because I address all religions. But others will also see another Triune Being.

Imagine if we countered, that in order to do this properly, these ‘flat-earthed’ type advocates, would have to go back to speaking, in the case of this country, Chaucerian English, ancient Welsh and ancient Gaelic, not the modern English, Welsh or Gaelic! Whimsically, the under-carriage would collapse before even managing to taxi, let alone take-off.


Part I


What is this?

That thou dost think hast thou

the answer to Creation?


That by thine own intellect

Thou hast enworked

with your enfeebled minds

the origins of this great Universe?


What arrogance is this

that thou dost commit to 

parchment, scrolls and earthenware,

the ministrations of greater beings?

The Creator even?


How dost thou account for Leviathan?

How dost thou account for Light?

How dost thou account for this Pull

upon the Earth, upon these Tides

that hast one thinking that this earth

Is indeed the Centre?

What arrogance!


Explain, forswear, how be’est

That thou didst rebuke thine own

in his explanation that it be the Sun

around which all revolves!


Explain, again, forswear, how be’est

that thou didst rebuke those

that do argue that this Earth be round?

That thou didst, as an hapless people,

An hapless communion

Demand most horrendous punishments

Tortures even,

for Enlightened Thinking,

Cruelty, likest which

in the Animal Kingdom, is unbeknownst,

unseen, aye yay, non-existent?

We sayst this fact again:

Cruelty, likest which

in the Animal Kingdom, is unbeknownst,

unseen, aye yay, non-existent!!


Explainest thou thineself!

How ist that thou dost drive 

Each Generation

Each Century

To ever Greater Horror and Affliction

and, moreover,

That thou dost insist such Terror

ist perfection because such Horrors

are wrought in the Name Above All Names!

Moreover, that these Horrendities

be Our Demand,

Our Requirement

of thee to be

So sayst thou

In Supplication to Us!

We requirest of no such thing!



Explainest thou thine self!

Thine rambling Distortions and Perversions

of Universal Truth

That thou dost rebuke contemporary thinking,

That thou dost insist upon 

an ancient and an peremptory

Interpretation of life’s very events …

Of Silliness and Vain-Glorious Imaginations

and Prognostications.


And by which dost thou

Upon Innocent People

Dost Visit the doings of Evil

of millennia before?!


Thou dost stand afore Me

Before Us

in thine lofty arrogance!

And Thou! Yay, Thine-self!!

What needst of this mat to kneel?

What needs to look to right and left

with silly utterances?

What needs to prostrate

With posterior lines, infinitesimal

Risen High in the Air

Posterior whiffs

are not to Our liking.

Blood sacrifices, alike

We have neh’r required this of you.


So We NOW requirest thou thine explanations

as to how thou dost arrive at thine


That the fairer sex shalt have no education!

That the fairer sex shalt not attend, even in 

an veterinary role!

That Women and Girls shalt not speak

Unless they first be addressed by a man or men

Or else beaten by these Obnoxious Morality Police!

That men shalt be the stronger sex!

That women shalt always be secondary

subservient, and made to walk in


And how dare thou thine arrogance

in the matter of sexuality.

We suggestest Thou do revisit

the Manifest Injustices,

Cruelties, and Crimes

that thou hast heaped upon

the Perfection of Our Creation

Where have We required thus,

these things?

By what means dost thou insist

upon vagina mutilation?


Explain the origin of your calculation!

How dost thou arriveest by this silly,

Vicious notion?

Such deliberations in thine thinking

are an Abhorrence to Us


What are these parchments that thou dost presume

to lay afore Me?

We know full well they are vainglorious imaginings

of a mere created being.


It is Our Word?


You do presume to define my pre-existence?!/!?


I recognise none of these ramblings!


These are the thoughts of mere men

Arrogant men, that whichest hast

status none, being merely created.

Men who love to walk the marketplace

receiving the Salutations of the people [i]


Is this not so?

Speak up!

Your silence dost most surely offend Us


For if thou dost say it is nay

Then thou dost contradict thine own writings

Thine own peculiar musings.


Part II


And what argument is this?

That thou who dost stand in haughty air,

that thou dost have Mine Ear

And yet thou, standest over there, dost argue likewise

even though thou dost both contend

the kindgom,

yet doest evil things of equal measure …

to kill, steal and destroy,

so say,

In the Name Above All Names!


And what, pray, are all these religions

that rebuke sciences and physics?


What are these religions and vain ramblings,

these silly notions of humankind

that would have the Universe created

only eight millennia ago?


Part III


To thine homes return!

And consider how such silliness avails you

… that thou hast, all, 

deined to fit The Name Above All Names

into an code

that is as far removed from The Name

as tis east from west

as tis north from south


And hearken well

For this hath come unto Us … …

We Three


Mark well this possibility

It is most surely no great thing to extinguish life

For We have only to speak, and it is …


The Universe

that thou hast demanded remain unchanged

since Time began

Suddenly, thou dost stand there before Us



Wondering how it is

That thine universe

ist but the merest speck,

An dot upon thine page,

An fleck of dust


Changest now thine ways

Broaden thou thine minds

Examine thou thine consciences


These are the commands

that We give thee

in modern tongue


So We shall show you things

the like of which are yet

not even comprehended

in this twenty-first century

You wouldst do well

to remove thine sandal

for We see all too well

your collective desire

to see thineselves as Our Equal

Arrogance alone

permits a mind to perceive

Created as equal to Creator

Thou hast earned Our sore Displeasure

We are Resolved

to rid Ourselves

To start afresh

Be away

We leave it, as We always Do

to Nature

The Human Species is but an aspect of Nature

It is here today, gone tomorrow

Nature remains

Nature restarts

Fashions itself afresh


Ian Bradley Marshall

30 September 2024
All Rights Reserved


© 2024 Ian Bradley Marshall

Written in 2020

[i] Matthew 23 : 7
[ii] Banner Image The Name Above All Names יהוה - YHWH - carved in Hebrew auf der Baum circa 1999 auf dem Cleeve-Hügel (2020 still visible)




Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.