Ocean Dark ~ It Is This Night that I do Leap the Edge
A Thousand Dimensions
Ocean Dark
2023 Version
This was written a long time ago, yet it remains a very popular piece, but also one of my favourites.
A friend sent this image and wondered how I would see it.
I imagined this scene, centuries ago, long before manned flight. Divers, young men and I’m sure in far-flung places young women too, would swallow dive into the deep, dark ocean from high above on cliffs. It is written loosely in older English. No particular reason.
Its subliminal theme?
Simply put, Freedom and Democracy, which I have, all my life, taken for granted, but now realise are both increasingly under threat by totalitarian and populist regimes. The world has thousands of despots. The United Nations includes totalitarian states.
For me though, the greatest concern lies with what 340 million Americans will do in 2024. Nothing persuades me that the silent majority of Americans who oppose the Republican MAGA (Make America Great Again) will actually succeed in stopping what seems to be a mountain mudslide into Fascism.
For us all, this will be catastrophic.
IT IS this night
That I do leap the edge
Descending through the
Crisp air
And as if with eagle’s wings,
roll over,
And do cast my face to the earth,
Yet see the even crisper
Ocean Blue.
And my spirit, finding,
Eager, so eager
Do I quicken
to enter this Realm denied me.
Now this Ocean, Dark.
As I break the water
No splash
or even ripple,
As if a hole did open up
Its tight diameter,
Sliding her hands,
the contours of my body
That same first thrill
Some other hands explored me,
beyond familial.
Will my wings hold fast?
Will my sinews stay aligned?
Or will I dash upon the rocks...
This sweet creation
That my frame hath carried
These one score years and nine?
I pray You
Have patience
With my dallying,
For my heart cries to the Summit
From where I leapt,
Subjugating the greatest depths
Of Your creation.
In an instant
do I become a bird on air
Flying as no man does, or has,
Except in his dreams!
For that is all man can do!
No means mechanical will aid him;
We have but the sails
Blown to the wind.
But to the air
There is nought.
You, O God, most surely
have us there.
And so it is this
that craves my heart!
To prove to You my existence!
To challenge You!!!
My arms are now beside me
In alignment,
In line of stream,
Foresooth no man hath seen before…
And with this speed that gathers up my soul
I plunge into the dark deep depths
of Your Soul
Darkness ~ Impenetrable
Ocean Dark
Most Dark!
But what is this?
No icy cold as I did fear upon my entry,
But rather, that warmth recalled
in my mother’s womb.
And rolling round
A million bubbles releasing from me,
Buoyancy I cannot describe!
A different floating,
As if I am defying You!
But what is this that has pulled me to You?!?
A trillion thoughts do fly through my head!
A thousand movements …!!
Tissue and Fibres that brace and hold.
My very frame,
Yet in beauteous perfection.
And I see none less than Great Leviathan,
And he dost Eye me with some bemusement!
Or is it more an awareness that
this great creature sees that
Which he hath never seen afore?!?
I have the better of him, for sure!
Surely now am I Jonah reincarnated!
But unlike Jonah,
I will not allow myself to be taken … no!
But now I am not so sure
There is something only my inner being
alerts me.
It is this. Leviathan hath been here
… what? A million years afore me?
How so?
We are Your Creation
Are You telling me?
That we are something lesser?
I am perturbed.
Leviathan is unperturbed.
Not for me the hot belly of a whale!
For me, it is Your sweet womb,
And in my mind’s eye
I see the chord umbilical
Stretching from You to me,
and back from me to You,
pulsating, alive, awaiting the break
The knot
Your quiet reminder
of Your Presence just a step or so beyond
… If we desire …
And thus I am saved.
And all this
because I dared!
I dared to test You!
I dared to fly
from the pinnacle,
from the roof of the world
in this great land of
And thus I am rewarded!!
And surely thus,
burgeoning forth,
my Masculinity
my Beauty
my Inner Awareness of You
My frame extends.
Every part of me lines in with stream …
Again, even here,
In the depths of your Seas
The salt thrives
Cleansing me both inward and outward.
And I do now swallow-like
Shoot upward,
To break the surface
And breathe again the sweet air
With which You enjoin us.
What day this is!
That You gave me my wings.
What day this is
That You revisited upon me Life
… Life in abundance!
… Life to be lived!!
… Life to be celebrated!!!
I shall not, O GREAT ONE,
fail Your Benign intentions
For, by Whichever Name
you make known Yourself
Tis, I now know,
good for me
And full well
Do I now see this!
As far as east is from west
Is that which lies between You and every religion
Regardless of the utterings and protestations
of men and women alike,
and bottoms raised high to the sky!
Ian Bradley Marshall
8 September 2023
All Rights Reserved
© 2024 Ian Bradley Marshall
Digital Art by © IBM © KTW unless otherwise credited
“And I see Leviathan
eyeing me with some bemusement!
Or is it more an awareness that
this great creature sees that
Which he hath never seen afore?
Perchance, I warrant, even I
hast ne’r seen the like of this afore
I have the better of him
I surely now am Jonah reincarnated
But unlike him
I shalt not allow myself the capture
Not for me the hot belly of a Whale”
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.