IT IS TIME to change direction, to change platforms, and settle down to the final journey. I’ve no idea how long the train journey is, but I’ve a very comfortable window seat … …
Christmas Morning 1958 - “Remembering the questions you have asked me dear.”
St Peter’s Church, Tewkesbury Road, Cheltenham … that first tentative step into peace-time … Saturday, April 2, 1949 … a new family Webb and Marshall
Arthur Horace James Webb, aged 18 months at Eyford Lodge, Eyford Park 1916
Grandmother, Mother, Eldest Son … a study of just one social aspect of the Great War - the absence of Fathers, Husbands and Brothers
Kenneth Ernest Webb (Kenneth .E. Webb) aged 20, at RAF Training School, South Coast, England 1941. The portrait is in pastel by the Artist Hicks
Horace and Isabel Webb and Ken (7) and Des (18 mth), with their edlest son Arthur (14) taking the photograph
The first flight from the Nest
A brief announcement about the Family History : Windsor Street Days
I LOVE BOOKS. I adore the printed word. …
This beautiful opening image is by Pierre Bamin via Unsplash. It superbly captures the essence of Windsor Street Days.