A Thousand Dimensions ~ From Death to Life a Quantum Leap
A Thousand Dimensions
From Death to Life a Quantum Leap
Part I
The Spirit beckoned to my spirit
and encouraged me
to step outside of Time
and without wings.
I flew at lightning speed,
observing the city below me,
the evening hour
as time, now beneath me,
showed its approach
to the quarter hour …
And observing again …
dimensions opened up to me
beyond my comprehension.
Ageless Beings,
I did not know them
and yet it seemed I did,
though they bore no resemblance
to the stories I had learned
from Grandma’s knee,
and then through school,
and college,
Military Chaplain’s School,
and more.
I had no doubt that I was
outside Time.
I heard a whisper …
Don’t be alarmed
You accept I AM the Creator
If I create
then I create everything
and that includes Time
Consider again that ancient line
“Times Time and Half Again …”
Thus We stand outside Time
We look on
We enter Time
We step outside again
as befits Us
Understand this basic concept
and much will immediately
fall into place
Nothing is by chance
All is deliberate
Every conceivable thing
you can think of
has its origins in Us
Pure Energy … you might call it
Part II
I was challenged as I’ve never
been challenged before …
All around me evidence of that
which I had subscribed to fairy tale … myth …
And that which I had argued as pre-existing
did not exist at all
That which I had bought as truth
turned out to be fairytale … myth …
… albeit with good intention …
For men’s minds
could not at the time of writing
explain things to the people
or even to themselves
in any other way
There are many lifetimes
it seems to me,
I mused …
Three-in-One | Drei in einem
and I was corrected, not! | Und ich wurde korrigiert, nicht!
And I was not corrected
There are many journeys
I mused afresh.
And Again, I was not corrected
Part III
It is an extraordinary circumstance
to stand upon the roof of the world,
to look down upon the Universe
and yet, in countless dimensions,
simultaneous and co-existing
but rarely touched by the other,
seeing myriad lives,
recounting myriad memories,
memories stretching back centuries
and crossing continents.
Drei in einem
I found that I was not rebuked
for looking on directly
Ageless beings
Age metamorphosing constantly
before my very eyes
and always returning to how
I used to look
I heard the faintest whisper…
Here, there is no ageing.
Nor is there a fixed sexuality,
as you have clearly seen.
I recalled an old line
I’d written in 2013
in They Came in the Night
The Eternal Self-Existing One
I think now I have observed.
For the fourth time
I was indeed not corrected.
No words were spoken
But the fire from the Eyes
Alighted my heart
I knew Who I observed,
and why.
A white hot coal was placed against
my lips,
A Finger set the seal
Part IV
The Tree of Life,
I surmised …
The Tree of Knowledge,
I suggested …
Again, no correction
… And yet my mind opened up
to a display of genius
the like of which
no words can determine
no means or fashion
of recording
Part V
The brilliance of
The Dawn of Time
Played again for me
and countless others,
took my breath away
I was glad of the company
to sustain me
For otherwise,
I do not know how or
in what way
I would have coped …
The One! | Der Eine!
I was glad of the company
to sustain me
For otherwise,
I do not know how or
in what way
I would have coped …
Yes, that is correct ~ The Company!
I am filled with hope.
For in every terrifying spectacle,
that we call ‘history’,
played out before me and brought every calamity,
eventually, to a successful conclusion
Part VI
I swooped down from on high
My spirit soared
I was free
and still am free
Energy was my companion
Pure energy
I visited halls and libraries
I saw Architecture
the like of which we only plainly
and dully copy
But my Friend glinted …
Now you understand the saying
that in My Father’s House
are many mansions …
I would not have told you
if it were not so
That silenced me
Part VII
I returned from whence I came,
I had been shown the wonders
of science
of physics
of pure mathematics
of pure science
of quantum physics
and had seen for myself
The Quantum Leap
I cannot describe it
But one day, you will see it too!
And, like me,
your mouth will drop
in awe and wonder.
8 September 2023
All Rights Reserved
© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb
First written in 2015 and revisited and left unchanged on 8 October 2019
Afterword Written on 20 May 2022
Sometimes, a line, a verse, a stanza, even a part, will spill from the pen without prompting.
From where it comes I do not know, except to say that it seems to rush forth from the deepest recesses of my mind and memory,
and yet the rushing forth,
tho’ seeming of meteoric speed,
is, nonetheless, very gentle.
An Awakening,
An Alerting,
A Prompting of the Mind to consider all things afresh.
No matter what I write,
I still regard this as the pinnacle of personal achievement.
As I think I muse, there is something extraordinary, to stand upon the roof of the world …
19 March 2023
A lifetime on,
Many decades shorn,
I gaze in awe
I am nineteen
I am again as I used to be
My quadruple self has now stepped back
I am fifteen
The man I will be at nineteen
is still in the making
At twenty I think I see the way forward
My Quadruple Self
has gone the four quarters
My Blueprint proved true
You see me now at twenty seven.
I lived life’s span
and now I am returned.
Yes, it really is
an extraordinary thing
to stand upon the roof the world.
8 September 2023
All Rights Reserved
© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb
Art Work is by Kenneth Thomas Webb
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.