DispatchKenneth WebbMay 16, 2023Day 159, How Strange!, skunk of the world, President Nelson Mandela, Day One, Day Three, President Zelensky, Autumn (Fall), 'special military operation', International Law, Rule of Law, bulls with rings through their noses, pariah state, Völkischer Beobachter, total war, Day 260 Ukraine Dispatch 36 | HOW STRANGE! ~ Sunday 20 November 2022 How Strange! DispatchKenneth WebbMay 16, 2023Day 159, How Strange!, skunk of the world, President Nelson Mandela, Day One, Day Three, President Zelensky, Autumn (Fall), 'special military operation', International Law, Rule of Law, bulls with rings through their noses, pariah state, Völkischer Beobachter, total war, Day 260
JournalKenneth WebbDecember 31, 2022European Capital of Culture 2008, 'your dispatch from Liverpool', MD - Mentioned in Dispatches, President Nelson Mandela, Norway, Utoya Massacre, LD 1, MD, Mentioned in Dispatches, conspiracy theory, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Arab Spring, Multiculturalism, Robben Island, skunk of the world, populism, Global Covid 19 Pandemic Liverpool Dispatches ~ What Were They? WHEN I COMMENCED these dispatches I did so as part of my journal, for future material, and part of my family’s archive. Something that descendants might peek into half a century from now … … JournalKenneth WebbDecember 31, 2022European Capital of Culture 2008, 'your dispatch from Liverpool', MD - Mentioned in Dispatches, President Nelson Mandela, Norway, Utoya Massacre, LD 1, MD, Mentioned in Dispatches, conspiracy theory, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Arab Spring, Multiculturalism, Robben Island, skunk of the world, populism, Global Covid 19 Pandemic
Newsletter, JournalKenneth WebbNovember 01, 2021Ghana - A Precipitous Path, President Nelson Mandela, 'skunk of the world', Inaugural Address May 10 1994, GLBTQ, LGBT, Liverpool Dispatch 134, the skunk of the world, LGBT ~ LGBTQ ~ GLBTQ Ghana ~ A Precipitous Path Ghana is on a precipitous path … Newsletter, JournalKenneth WebbNovember 01, 2021Ghana - A Precipitous Path, President Nelson Mandela, 'skunk of the world', Inaugural Address May 10 1994, GLBTQ, LGBT, Liverpool Dispatch 134, the skunk of the world, LGBT ~ LGBTQ ~ GLBTQ