And Satan Walked the Earth that Day
A Thousand Dimensions
Ian Bradley Marshall
Written in Liverpool on 11 July 2009 and first published under the title Job ~ Lucifer: Salvation by Spiderwize UK in the first Anthology Idle Thoughts in September 2009 After Job (pronounced Jobe) and is “a take” on the Book of Job in the Bible.
And Satan Walked the Earth That Day imagines a conversation between Light and Darkness, rendered as God and the devil or satan or Beelzebub. The powers of darkness are real. We all know that, even if we perceive this only by reference to human nature. The title also comes from the Book of Job (NKJV).
I revisited the poem on 17 May 2015 and again in 2019, approving its continuance, notwithstanding my anger with all religions in these very troubled 150 years.
In 2019, I reached my conclusion, thrashed out over many years of quiet deliberation, contemplation, study and aloneness, and yes, pain, angst, and sheer unmitigated dread, and, yes, prayer as well.
But the peace that followed is one I cannot describe to anyone, nor will attempt to.
This enabled me to conclude this harrowing piece with Part XIV and Part XV.
The figure of satan, for me, personally, is allegorical. I have no doubts at all about what all religions perceive and report as the powers of darkness. That phenomenon is very real, very present, here and, I’m sure, in other dimensions too.
A single character? What was accepted as irrefutable in Aeons past, today, for me, is fairytale.
I speak only for myself, of course, but all I see in the argument of a single character, is that this played to the machinations of men’s minds down the centuries seeking to maintain control over their largely illiterate populations.
But it makes a good story.
It also teaches me much, even though I sometimes think those who eventually inscribed the scroll of Job, might have allowed their imaginations to run away with the candle, when it made a mad dash for the breeze in the darkened stony passage!
Eden, Adam, Eve, Lucifer, the devil, satan, Beelzebub, hell ~ in a word, Humankind ~ has done well to provide explanations that seemed to be so obvious in the thousands of years over which they were written.
Today, however?
Well, that is for the individual.
Ian Bradley Marshall
And tell Me.
What have you been doing?
This one knew when he
could not play god
but he’d stand his ground anyway...
The light bearer,
No way.
Oh! But yes.
Fallen and for a time
allowed his pre-eminence,
his authority.
Not for this moment
did he slither through the grass,
keep the contours of the rocks,
hide in the crevices...
That comes later.
At the point of the Quill.
For now, this moment,
time, times
and half again,
as of course it is written so they say,
Lucifer can masquerade
even as a minister of righteousness,
if the fancy takes him.
But here, Here, satan keeps his place.
Here he does not hold court,
he is not a king,
But he is the prince of darkness.
I’ve been wandering to and fro
across the Universe...
This fallen angel
bristles with indignation
at the shower of derision,
contempt even,
of the Host of Heaven.
Alone here,
he catches a brief and momentary
of his eternal damnation.
Have you considered My servant...?’
He only worships You
because of what he has,
give me authority
and I will show You
what he really is,
I will lift up
his corrupted heart
from the very Altar
where You exchanged fallen man
for the ram caught in a thicket!
He only worships You
because of what he has,
give me authority
and I will show You
what he really is,
I will lift up
his corrupted heart
from the very Altar
where You exchanged fallen man
for the ram caught in a thicket!
Very well.
But you shall not lift a finger
against him personally,
you shall not touch him... ...
And satan walked
the earth that day.
Black became white,
White became black.
Natural was unnatural,
The Unnatural revelled
in the cloak of naturalness. A quiet murmur,
A ripple through the Host ‘How can everything have
been reversed? Crimes now legitimate! Equitable laws now outlawed!
Surely, it must be
The fallen host,
third all told, the bidding
of their master, undertaken…
The index rose
The FTSE fell.
Like FDR’s elastic band,
the market boomed
and then went bust,
and thwacked a million
and ransacked fifty million more... ...!
And satan walked the earth
with glee
Observing the disorder,
the chaos
Counting the souls
he’d won in the process,
Perversely Revered!
And he would break
the human spirit,
And prove his kingship,
his absolute authority.
It may have been a match too far
to be thrice thwarted
by the Son of Man
but that was two millennia ago.
Mere humans would not
dare defy him,
Everyone would bow the knee to him,
exalt him,
and declare him
‘The Most High’
... but even the thought of
assuming that title
convulsed satan with suddenness,
and his fallen host
across the Milky Way
shrank back,
dejected, humbled…
– their lord and master -
powerless! ... ...;
A fallen being,
A quivering wreck,
that only by His Grace
maintained his beauty
before the Fall.
And satan walked the earth that day
… pitching sons against fathers,
mothers against daughters,
sibling rivalries now his speciality,
wars and insurrections
his elevenses!
Pitch religions against each other,
Strike at modernity
with medieval viciousness,
Behead Caucasians,
Then four-quarter rebellious Muslims
in four compass points
from a standing start!
Bring down Flight 636;
overturn the
Herald of Free Enterprise.
Bomb the heart out of
and Pakistan;
and London and
Westminster Bridge ... ...
Strike at Somalia,
Provoke North Korea
Whisper into the ears
of despotic generals
in the hours of the night
beneath mosquito nets
slumbering and slouching
on fat bellies,
then awakening;
issuing orders for a
spot of further ethnic cleansing.
Bring spite into households,
Bring death into schoolrooms,
Deliver innocents to corrupt officials
- who in turn -
release the guilty
hardened criminals bang up innocents, torture too,
and see no wrong
in reversing the status quo.
And satan walked the earth that day
through boardrooms
and stock exchanges
and watched the money markets
spiral out of men’s control
and into his control;
passing by cash machines
ripped out of walls,
and loitering on the gloryholes
of adjacent walls
of dark and dingy
derelict buildings
and subterranean meeting places.
Hallowed chambers
politicians riding cash bonanzas,
running up expenses,
and blinded by his
incandescent but dirty luminous light.
He is the light!
he bellowed through the heavens;
‘you are the light bearer’
the fallen host
and benighted souls
fawned in shrieks,
bending the knee,
and bowing the neck.
This is mine!
All mine!
These are mine!
I am the ruler
of the universe... …
I will be like the
Most High... … … … … …
that last, a step too f… … … …
A convulsion of such ferocity this time;
no warning given,
venom, blood and guts
in endless torrent,
Shaking in
epileptic rage.
Time was not his
and time was running out;
how could it be
that he would lose
all that he had created?
A Still Small Voice
and the Host of Heaven
more than the myriad
stars of Heaven
gave the
Glorious Proclamation.
‘Created? you are created!
you re-create distorted images,
the limit of your authority.
And even that is governed
By He Who is greater than you,
your Creator against Whom
you dared to rebel
and when time again thus passes
you shall be no more
but forever conscious
in oblivion.
you were light but now
are impenetrable darkness;
there is no advance for you.
Darkness by the very laws of nature
yes – your creator – gives
way to Light.
you the light-bearer
dared to think you could
seize The Light?
You seized the Light
and fell to earth
like a lightning strike
and sealed your fate!!
I AM saw it, as indeed I informed the Twelve.
Will we, His Creation,
Go with you?
Some yes
But many won’t.
… you demand to be recognised
as the bearer of light
to be The Light itself.
Such arrogance
catches even the very breath
of this incomprensible Multiverse
within this incredible UNIVERSE.
But you cannot create!
All you can do is to re-create
to copy, to mirror, to pretend,
to distort.
But I know one Who can create;
And He has only to speak,
and it is!
“Let there be light
and there was light”
as it is written!
And satan walked the earth
that day hell-bent on revenge
‘How dare His Word be uttered
In my presence – I, Lucifer the Light-bearer
the god of this world!’
The thought beat through
his created brain,
and so he wrought
havoc in recession;
banks crashed,
buildings toppled,
towers descended
and planes blew up.
Blackmailers abounded
Hackers quadrupled
Horrid people
Wicked people
Detestable people
wrought havoc
and held sway.
Cyber-warfare profligated
governments brought down,
elections thwarted and bent his way ... ...
Families smashed up furniture
for warmth
trading gold for a matchbox.
And In the tiny corner of the Kremlin
satan entered the mind of a man
and whispered
they say there will never
be war again in Europe.
Prove them wrong.
Unleash, invade,
kill and destroy.
Show no mercy.
Be my ever-so-faithful poodle.
And satan walked the earth
… from the southern States of the
to the royal States of Australia,
laying waste to Melbourne,
and destroying Victoria.
And he revelled in
Black Friday,
as stock markets crashed,
and for his evening cocktail
took Black Saturday bushfires
in South Eastern Australia.
Outside time he raged across
the heavens
creating mayhem
murder and pillage.
In China and India and now Nepal
In Katmandu
measuring 7.9 on the
Richter Scale.
Then for good measure
stood astride Iran and Iraq
Split asunder,
then blew up a Mosque
in Egypt for evening frivolity.
On Everest, he flicked his finger.
Avalanches wiping out all in their path.
Such wanton destruction...
he shook the earth’s foundations.
Accounts dried up,
Debt management companies
multiplied by the hour,
Bonus and incentive schemes
piled heaped like cancers upon
tortured souls of innocent debtors.
Creditors grew in hostility,
spite his natural way
of oiling up their dried-up consciences.
Dog eat dog was his order
of his day, his precursor,
his reason for existence ...
And satan walked the earth that day
his horror spat with shotgun force
at righteous people
yet covered himself on the rebound!
The heat shields of
Faith, Love and
Unconditional kindness
he could not penetrate,
as debts were paid
without interest or repayment,
or creditors took payment in kind
to ease the burden
of those wrong-footed
by this ugly apparition.
And satan walked the earth that day
whispered misinterpretation
of hallowed Scriptures
into the ears of narrow-minded ministers,
communicants, sidesmen,
scribes, khalifs, imams, mullahs
and ayatollahs by the score,
his especial delight.
And satan walked the earth that day
from Bosnia, Croatia
to Kosovo via Serbia;
to Georgia and Chechnya
and Syria
… that diamond
And then
his jewel in his crown
Back to his relentless struggle
on that day
in Aeons past
when he soothed
his words in Eden
‘you will not surely die!’
And Eve relented
succumbed his advances,
and learned the art of manipulation;
and then his greatest triumph of all
a family squabble.
Isaac against Ishmael
two brothers,
A fued
carried down the ages
and many millennia away.
Death, destruction and
endless familial rape
based upon nothing more
than allegory,
a non-existent happening.
And satan walked the earth that day
his especial delight,
myth and half-truth
in such a way,
labyrinthine intrigue,
that silly minds then raised
to the hallowed utterances of Deity
and declared, for good measure,
to be the incontrovertible
word of a god …
And for those who mused
his new agenda ~
Fake News ~
and cast his net wide
without limit,
the minds of guilty and innocent alike
skewered, then skewered again
by the crown of his achievement
social media.
And satan walked the earth that day UNTIL…
With no warning summonsed
by Queen Esther
to attend the Court of the
Most High Ancient of Days...
his Creator
and he sensed the shadow
of that wicked Haman
stalking him.
The end was upon him
and in a momentary absence,
a loss of self-control,
he writhed through grass,
and slithered over rockface,
espied a a brief crevasse,
wherein sat its occupant incubating.
Forked tongue lashed out
and anaconda-like,
Then slept
and sensed the nightmare
of endless conscious oblivion.
And satan awoke with a start,
his deity briefly restored,
satan entered the Chamber
but dared not look
at The Light…
“And where have you been?”
‘Oh wandering to and fro
throughout the earth...’
“And have you considered
My servant...?”
he would not answer
the hourglass emptied,
defeated ... ... ...
and on his belly
he departed... ...
And Lucifer stood before Them
A temporary Renewal,
breathing ...
Why am I here?
I rebelled against You
In your thoughts and dreams,
in your nightmares
you resisted Me
and sought to be like Me
It is understandable to be like Us
It is understandable to even usurp Us
Worry not
We do not destroy those
that We create
That is not in our nature
Lucifer, We are the Triune G-D
Three In One
You are as you always have been!
Use this brief sojourn
into die holle auf erden
to help humankind...
that is all that is required of you.
Salvation is assured
and way, way beyond
Verständnis …
Our ways are beyond finding out
or even reasoning;
Our means are unique.
Embrace Life
Embrace Eternity
And Lucifer walked the earth that day
his Companion, Salvation
That nightmare
only a vicious memory
That stunning Proclamation
through the Universe
way, way, way beyond
this tiny Galaxy… …
Es ist vollbracht
C'est fini
Он закончил
يتم الانتهاء من ذلك
זה נגמר
यह समाप्त हो गया है
Ian Bradley Marshall
9 December 2024
All Rights Reserved
© 2024 Ian Bradley Marshall
2009 Composed 11 July 2009 Published by Spiderwize Idle Thoughts in September 2009
2009 Original Title Job ~ Lucifer: Salvation
2022 Title changed to the thrust of the piece ~ And Satan Walked the Earth that Day
Ian Bradley Marshall
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.