Hacker ~ Blackmailer
Blackmail is menacing, silent, insidious.
Its powerhouse is human nature that, regardless of evidence to the contrary,
always prefers two adages
The Smoking Gun
There is no smoke without fire
An insidious individual
Evil and scheming
as that wicked Haman. [i]
A spiteful, vengeful man
envy, greed
his motivation
his fuel.
Activities always cloaked
in ‘righteousness’.
Seeking to destroy,
he ‘befriends’.
Seeking to hate,
he ‘loves’.
Seeking to encourage,
gossip, malicious rumour
he spreads.
Blackmailers seek intelligence
Intel is hard currency
Intellect, too, their ace of spades
By stealth they trace,
Kingship is in their gift
Theft with Joker four-sided
Multi-faceted, their cunning
Several steps ahead
from up behind they creep,
and pounce.
Innocent to them means quarry.
Their activities concealed
they bestow glowing eulogies;
to place off guard
they shower gifts.
All the while
they sit ensconced their plot,
fingers deftly over the keyboard
fixed stare,
glazed look,
demeanour penetrating,
inwardly salivating.
At first sight the victim
denies his observation.
He stands : self-rebuked
and seeks to reassure
his troubled mind
by cementing the friendship
still more!
Now the blackmailer
moves in for the kill,
for his victim is, he preens,
at his most vulnerable.
‘Let’s play with him a while!’
‘Let’s make this successful,
righteous man suffer more.’
‘Let’s encourage him to believe
I am with him all the way!’
‘Let’s spin my yarn still more
and draw my victim in!’
His tool is his benighted, twisted intellect;
his dependence on drugs
his diet of anti-depressants.
His props are website chat rooms,
profiles and images.
How he adores the screen grab key,
the filter settings.
How he gloats into the night hours
on all his ‘evidence’
that persuades his twisted mind
that he is right, the victim wrong.
How he despises the victim’s success.
How he guzzles the drug of voyeurism.
To the victim's puzzled questions,
the blackmailer is bemused;
bemusement just one short step
to indignant outrage
culminating in charge of paranoia!
How dare the victim ask
for proof of his working activities!
How dare the victim ask
for his updated residence details
for the file!
How dare the victim
request the codes and passwords
to the victim’s own property!
The blackmailer is
sick in mind,
sick in heart;
a split,
or treble
maybe even more;
at war with himself!
... his sickly diet
venom and deception.
The blackmailer’s tool?
The hijacked computer.
His delight?
To send emails
purporting to be his victim’s
Ever vigilant to stay ahead
he operates the rules of double agent.
The blackmailer heaps praise on his victim
until the moment of the strike
not yet the kill.
He strikes.
Anger satanic.
Eyes turn grey then black and
penetrate deep within his soul
sink further into his head
and revert again to grey.
His sense of injustice
totally perverted,
he seeks to justify his activities.
When challenged he is enraged.
He threatens again.
The master of subterfuge,
he has a weakness
- his downfall!
His imprisonment
for he cannot cast aside his belief
ironically genuine,
his own lie,
that he’ll never be caught!
[i] Esther 7 : 6 Queen Esther replied to the King, “The adversary and enemy is this wicked man - Haman!” And Haman stood in terror before the king and queen. [Berean translation]
April 28, 2009
Albert Dock, Liverpool
All Rights Reserved
© 2023 Kenneth Thomas Webb
First Published in Idle Thoughts by Spiderwize Publishers in September 2009
Queen Esther replied to the King, “The adversary and enemy is this wicked man - Haman!” And Haman stood in terror before the king and queen.
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.