Back to the Past


First published by Spiderwize in Meanderings – An Anthology of Poetry and Prose Volume II


Back to the Past

I wish I could put the clock back

and right all the wrongs

that were said.


To walk again difficult routes

with hindsight's benefit

To hold one's head up high

Where before I ducked

below the parapet.


I wish I could put the clock back

and say the things

I want to say

but courage I lacked

to do so.


Just a simple

'I love you.'

Just an innocent question,

'do you fancy a pint . . .

maybe even a date?'


To walk the cliffs

of Folkstone Heights again

peering down at the harbour below.


To turn the clock back

and reach out.

To take up that

which almost happened

but for an innocent intervention

that made the chance of

making love impossible

yet which was not meant to be.

I wish I could put the clock back

and run down the Ashford 

driveway in Kent.


No wait! I didn't mean it like that.

It's that my parents are visiting tomorrow

and ... well ... I feel awkward.


No matter. The moment lost forever.


I wish I could put the clock back

and fly that open cockpit Glider again,

turn into wind

and bring her safely, smoothly in,

threshing long grass

across South Cerney airfield,

thousands of grass seeds

in my eyes

and through free blown hair, 

an involuntary threshing.


Oh what joy to fly an open 

cockpit again

Basic instruments, nothing more

to bother myself with,

altimeter, airspeed

and wind speed indicator.


How good it would be to

Once again stand on Boot’s Corner

shin length greatcoat

chin strap down

cape on

concealed hands in pockets

a summary crime!

Unless of course the Inspector drives!

In which case throw one up and smart about it!

To step the kerb edge

as the hearse drives by . . .

salute with military precision

in accordance with force orders,

respectful pedestrians warmed

by the solidity of moment,

but now departed,

a constabulary of a bygone age,

replaced by a service

that leaves most bemused

and without respect;

seemingly, but actually, not,

indifferent to crime;

concentration on minutiae,

worship of the camera,

desire to be filmed,

very swift rebuke

from police of yester-year.

How would today be

without iPod, mobile or cellfone,

texts and tweets and Instagram?

No Selfies!!

We cannot take the Luddite road.

Move with the times.

See the advances made

as for good of humankind

(oh alright to you in pews,

if you insist, mankind).


Past and Present make up the

sum of Future

So you who boast 18 years of life . . .

an abundance of experience . . .

I dare you, peek

when coast is clear

history books on oldies’ shelves.



Gran and Grandad’s time;

a richness of life, vitality and service

that has given

all that you now have

a glimpse of what you too

will give fifty years from now!

What’s that?

Will I look like that too?

Well, the genes are there for sure.

Yes, but they’re all in 1884??!!


Just like you do,

your little darling-offspring

will yawn at you.

Kenneth Thomas Webb

April 26, 2021
All Rights Reserved

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© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2021

One of the Fifteen Founding Members of Leaders Lodge

Written in Liverpool 2010-2011 and published by Spiderwize in October 2011 in Meanderings : An Anthology of Poetry and Prose Volume II (Hardback)

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.