
Renaissance ~ Second Edition


A momentous day

Occasionally awaits…

Our approach and mind frame

Sets the tone 

Of how the day will pan out


Sometimes they spiral 

Out of control

Sometimes they lift and touch 

As it were

The very stars of Heaven


Our return to earth

Is either with grace

Or by calamity

Damage limitation


And the will to 

Stand up

Brush ourselves down

And straighten up

And affix the horizon 

Once more


The trials and tribulations

Are measured by the hour

By the day

By the week

 By the month

By the Year

By the decade

By the lifetime


But underpinning all

Is that glorious awareness

That time itself is a creation

And thus there is a somewhere

That, quite literally,

Is outside time


In the meantime

We live each day separately

It is so

It cannot be otherwise

It has been so

Since time began

Since the dawn of time


And regardless of what goes on

I'm fortified and strengthened

In a gentle way

By a post that arrived this evening

And which simply reads,

From my Brother Louis


It’s a good day

To have a good day




Thursday April 2, 2015


I had no idea that this poem would have such an impact, and I am moved by all the notes I have been sent. How the opening lines impacted, how every point impacts our lives, whether through personal experience, by what we see reported, what we read of, and what we learn through documentaries.

Yes, I agree. It often comes from a different angle, a different trajectory, a different timeline.

Although I have stepped outside organised religion, the lessons taught me over 62 years sustains my faith, insisting that I go way beyond the perceived dimensions to that 'somewhere' outside time.

I do not write in a planned and organised way, but wait upon those moments of inspiration, through yourselves, through your posts, through the wonderful things we see and experience on a daily basis, often extraordinary, often, ‘mind-blowing’.


I do not contrive to invent a piece, but rather wait upon The Spirit in whichever way we see, feel and hear, and to reach deep, deep within ourselves...

A friend has sent to me privately a beautiful poem in his native French tongue, in which we see the brilliance of the flower, here today, buffeted by winds, and tomorrow gone!

Did not a Great Man speak of some such thing?


Reach out and beyond yourselves, ourselves.

Go way, way, way beyond the accepted norms of three and, perhaps, four dimensions...and see, feel, hear, and live in the thousand and more dimensions that are all around us - less than a veil away. Once we realise the wonder that time itself is created - it has to be, for if it were not, then it would put any higher being that we might worship within a created vacuum... No...

GOD, however we perceive that Deity to be - and here we are not constrained by boundaries of land and sea, continents, belief systems and denominations - for all quite simply say and point to the same inevitability : Salvation is assured. Eternity is assured. An assurance that is a guarantee.

Soul and Spirit live on in eternity, and in that brief interlude when we step from this side of the veil to its other side, suddenly we are transformed into the very form that all our belief systems assure us.

Suddenly, we truly see light and darkness, the powers and principalities, Deity exactly as we perceive that Deity to be...and in that briefest of moments, we also experience that sudden conviction, that realisation that back behind us from where we have just come on the other side of the veil - where we are now - we definitely had so much wrong, and that in that Somewhere beyond time, even judgment is not in the form and manner that we have been brought up to believe …


This fills me with hope for the future, for all of us, and it will take us “times, time and half again” (as it is written) to even get a hint at the measure of that Somewhere... so as another friend beautifully reminded me - and which prompted MOMENTOUS - Today is a very good day... 

Yes. It is my good friend, and you did well to touch the rudder, and thus enable me to write as I did.

For millions, this week is the culmination and very purpose of living.

Regardless of how we perceive things, let us live and let live.

And let us be mindful of those treasured moments in every day when, deep down, our subconscious reports to us that we have just seen beyond the veil. It is a heart-beat moment, a trillisecond,as sudden as when, without warning, our inner ear catches the crescendo of the blood stream passing an obstacle and our heart pulls and there is an excitement so overpowering, that we decide we'd better keep quiet, for fear we'll upset the apple cart.

But hey ho, that's life.

Kenneth Thomas Webb

May 25, 2021
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© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2021

One of the Fifteen Founding Members of Leaders Lodge

Principal Image : Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash

Composed April 2, 2015

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.