Atlantic Challenger 2015
Caroline J Y 2024
Image Courtesy of Caroline Opacic and to whom all rights are reserved - The Challenger Crew Dinner Post Atlantic Challenge Voyage 13 October 2015 © Caroline Jayne Opacic
Written on 18 March 2015 whilst following Atlantic Challenger’s progress in the night on AI Navigation in Liverpool. Such excitement. Such pride in my nieces. And in 2020 we see Challenger still very much in life’s frame and a nautical theme that underpins both nieces. I admit great pride and joy.
HMS Dragon I had the joy to look out upon, on many a day from my lounge. Sleek, slender, almost an understatement, it never ceased to enthral me that her power is that of a battle fleet.
Part I
The lonely sea and the sky
Of Chichester refrain
White horses,
Rolling waves,
Gargantuan swells,
Heaving seas,
Rigging taut,
Sails straining,
Masts creaking,
Wind singing in the rigging,
Hull groaning,
Helm holding firm.
Steering Nor-by-Nor-West
On a bearing for Liverpool
Aye aye Cap’n
Steering Nor-by-Nor-West
On a bearing for Liverpool
A violent heaving squall.
Change course, Caroline
Steer South by South-East
on a bearing for Southampton…
Aye-aye Cap’n
Steering South by Sou-west
of a bearing for Southampton
The stars at night…
Peaceful, now
Duty crew.
The rest sleeping below.
Part II
Dolphins off starboard bow!
Leaping, cavorting
Coming in alongside
even beneath us
A indescribable tingly feeling
At One with Nature!
Steering her into wind,
We take up sail.
Hoisting full rigging,
Leaning well over now into wind
Our School
Playing, leaping, chattering
Alongside me
I can’t believe this is happening.
All is well
they seem to say.
Their Presence, almost spiritual.
At the very least
We, all of us, know we are
Absolutely at one with Nature
Part III
The lash of spray …
Foremast almost breaking!
All hands on deck !!!
All hands on deck !!!!
Trim sail…
Heave her in… …
Heave … heave …
HEAVE … H E A V E … …
Our bearing correcting,
Aligning with horizon
Somehow we are riding the storm
This spectacular Image is by Matt Hardy Artist Photographer of Australia through Unsplash
Part IV
Storm approaching
Lightning sheet and forked
Queasiness …
no time to dwell
Maintain course
Hold steady
Aye Aye Cap’n
Maintaining Course,
Holding Steady
Wait… Wait… W A I T …
Pull… Pull… Pull
Pump out water
Gybe the Mainsail!
Waves now 30 metres [i] above us
Turn her into the wall
Aim for the summit
Ride the crest of the wave
Stomachs heave
Roll down the other side
Hold firm this colossal Wheel
Every hand at station
Working as one
Excitement, danger, beyond measure
We ride the storm.
We dominate the sea
We race the waves
And the School races us…
Challenger takes on Mighty Neptune
Neptune finally gives way …
… a brief lull between waves …
A salute perhaps?
Something better
That awareness
Almost an inner voice
that ALL of us hear, and feel
We are worthy!
From out of nowhere
A recall
from long departed Kings,
Winchester Days…
… and even the winds and seas obeyed Him
A break in the cloud
A glorious light
The Dawn .
Beamed smiles observe the breaking day
Tempest subdues .
We hold steady and high-five
Set course again
‘Sou-by-Sou-South-East 10 miles nautical
Sou-sou-east Helmsman
Now 20 degrees East
Aye-Aye Cap’n
10 miles nautical
Sou-sou-east Helmsman
Now 20 degrees East
We make good progress Cap’n
All Crew - All Crew
maintain close Watch
We are in the Shipping Lanes
A light flickers out on the port beam
Warship outline,
Radio traffic ,
A surge of excitement below …
The Cap’n’s beaming…
Wow, Girls ‘n Guys!
We’ve just received a message
from HMS Dragon
I’m to pass on their congratulations
to the crew of Atlantic Challenger …!
It sends a buzz of electricity
through every one of us
I ponder …
that unbelievable feeling
makes me think
of our Dolphins chattering
and squealing and doing
their own high-fives
… before the storm
Part V
Winds quickening
Bracing ourselves
Hold steady ...
Hold, Hold, Hold...
... NOW !
Part VI
She leans into wind
Crew lean out
Precarious angle
Salt on lips in eyes in hair
Oh, what exhilaration is this!
Oh, what joy! What privilege!
Bestowed upon us
To ride before the wings of the wind
Pennants flying
Red Ensign full-blown
Britannia herself has taken up the Race!!
Part VII
Landfall …
Great cheers and tears ,
Tears of joy ,
Hugs and kisses,
Lifelong friendships formed .
Love of the Sea confirmed …
A very, very healthy respect too!!
Proof indeed …
We are an Island People
We are a Maritime People
We will always love the Sea
We will always love the Sea
What beauty you are.
Every part of you.
You are not mere fabric!
You are life and soul .
You are spirit.
You reflect our spirits,
And by so doing
You reflect truly
The Spirit also ,
It matters not how we comprehend.
Long may you sail the seas
And teach young people
The Challenges of the Ocean Deep
And, in turn, of landward too.
Part IX
Farewell most glorious ship
You kept us safe
You took us across the mighty Atlantic
You gave us a glimpse, I wonder,
In the briefest instant
of the
Very Face of …
24 October 2024
All Rights Reserved
© 2024 Kenneth Thomas Webb
HMS Dragon of the Royal Navy Type 45 Destroyer. Image by kind courtesy of HM MOD.
2020 - by gracious permission of Caroline - © CJO 2020 - all rights reserved to her
First written 8 March 2015
Lens work… never stops… © Caroline J Y née O
Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.
He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.
Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.
In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.