
Third Edition

The Bridge of Mostar, rebuilt after the Croat-Bosnian War, was opened on July 23, 2004, 17 years ago today. The Image shows the original Bridge and which had stood for 427 years until its destruction by Croat paramilitary forces on November 9, 1993.


Hello Džan

I'm glad you have taken time

to take the evening air

It’s an impressive bridge isn’t it!


The more so because

despite that terrible war

and breaking its back asunder,

- for Me just the blink of an eye away

in the passage of time -

you can see the resilience

and upsurge of the human spirit -

that which reflects My Spirit -

refusing to buckle or be defeated

but pulling the community together again

and restoring this bridge.


No, don’t speak Džan

I know what you’re thinking anyway

And I know how your heart yearns

for Adaleta’s recovery

And in My time I will do this

For now, it is enough for Me

that you have taken this walk

in the cool of the evening


Come, walk with Me to the Other Side

Let us enjoy each Other’s company

You and I


It pleases Me greatly to know

that you see the wonder and beauty of

My Son’s Birth


I know truly where your heart lies

And I see the heart of the woman you love

And it is a good and pleasing thing to Me

And moreover

- watch your step there –

just as I indwell your heart

so do I indwell Adaleta’s heart

Your religions and ideologies

mean nothing to Me


She is Mine

I spoke her into existence

And that means that her spirit lives forever

just as I spoke you into existence

and so you too know you have life forever


I hear the earnest petitions

of your countless friends

and it is as a sweet aroma to Me


I AM nothing like I AM often portrayed

indeed, as you can now see.

I'm not old, as again you can see

Ageless, yes, for sure

For I AM outside time

I AM after all the Creator.


No. Don't look surpised.

Of course I smile.

I like to laugh and giggle too.

Why shouldn't I!

I AM after all that which

Humankind reflects as in a mirror.


What? My Deity?

Oh yes. Of course. You see Me now

but very much as anyone.


But just occasionally I do reveal my Deity

Remember the story you love

When I met with Moshe and Eliyahu

on the Mountain?

Yes that’s right Džan

‘The Mount of Transfiguration’


I do understand the pain and suffering

you both feel

And Johannes speaks with great strength

great wisdom

when he reminds you to stay strong

and when he sees that it is such a rough

time for you both.

Johannes speaks as My ambassador Džan.


And take great score from the love

expressed by Seb, his heart is Mine

He stands with you and Adaleta through thick and thin

And his love for you both is pure;

and take heart too from Kristiana’s endorsement from On High

and her confidence too

She speaks My words

You know Džan I do so love Kristiana

The way she brings such grace and joy

to this situation

She has a very happy heart

And that pleases Me greatly

That is why I'm here


Let Us walk back now

I hear the prayers of all …

See our evening stroll

as something akin to the stroll

I took on the road to Emmaus


Ah, that is good Džan

You look so much better now

as we stand again at the high point

of this bridge

Mostar has survived

humankind will survive

I need say no more


I'm with you and in you

I never leave you.

And look around you…

And you see My emissaries


As you can see Džan,

Paulus knew exactly what he meant

when he penned My thoughts

That men have entertained angels

Without knowing it!


Remember …

“trust in GOD and all gonna be ok!”

as Kristiana so beautifully puts it.


The Brightness 


Gone in an instant


Where's He gone?


Džan stood quietly,



A shimmering Figure


seen only if one looked to the side

a beautiful form and a language

like the sound of the waters

below Mostar

The LORD Bless you and keep you Džan

The LORD has made His Face to shine upon you

And He has given you His Peace

Go now to Adaleta and give her this blessing too


Džan stood quietly

and whispered

oh, so quietly,

one simple phrase

The LORD be with YOU

and across the evening sky

an Aurora

and a Voice in the Wind

that gently soothed his cheeks

And also with you Džan


Written December 4, 2013

Kenneth Thomas Webb

July 23, 2021
All Rights Reserved

United Kingdom - Austria - Germany - Australia - New Zealand - Canada - USA

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2021

One of the Fifteen Founding Members of Leaders Lodge

Author Note

My time in Brčko Bosnia & Herzogovina as a guest of the UN, took me to places to see things that I would have preferred not to see … It was there, in the Balkans, that I grasped, after a lifetime, that ancient dichotomy:

Man’s inhumanity to Man

Twenty-three years on - almost a quarter of a century - and I conclude - we are no different.


Originally composed on December 4, 2013 for friends in the Balkans under the title Bridge of Mostar, names have been changed. Memories are long and unforgiving in that powderkeg area of Europe.

I discovered this when, despite my credentials, the man on the gate - jeans and a sruffy top - to the police compound where I would be staying, walked away with my passport. My host, the British Police Commander of that compound no less, could not understand it.

After ten minutes, the man came back. He stabbed the page that had the names of my two sisters as next of kin.

Who? WHO? WHO?? Her! Her!!

Then I realised.

My younger sister’s married name was from the wrong part of the Balkans … and I never did gain the trust of that man. Surly, unforgiving … and that was another lessson learned. And if the truth be known, neither did he gain my trust. I found myself looking at him through the eyes of that which I thought had long departed … the eyes of a serving constable. I remember thinking, my God, you people really do exist.


Another lesson too : In war zones and post war zones held together only by United Nations resolution, a white UK Landrover is not always welcome! No matter how much aid is being given.

I am not persuaded by superficial bows and hand gestures of greeting, and salutations in the marketplace. They are nothing to me. They come across as nothing more than mime and play-acting. They simply remind me that I am in the midst of vicious suppression, and a peculiar mental outlook that has ‘death in glory and paradise’ instead of getting down to brass tacs and doing their bit too to make this beautiful world, this majesty that makes their paradise look dull, dim, lifeless, a world fit for all of us to live peacably together.


Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website,, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.