Evil Stalks (an indirect Ukraine Dispatch 32)

Evil Stalks (an indirect Ukraine Dispatch 32)

Evil and Good exist side by side, and evil maintains the upper hand, such is the potential vileness of human nature. We do not need to look at history. We need only look at 2021 … men, women, and children are capable of depravity, of the most unspeakable acts of evil that are unknown within the animal kingdom.

Written in 2016, we were already watching human nature career out of control. Russia was serving notice upon an unwitting world that its ruthlessness in Syria was what it fully intended for Ukraine.

It lurks in underground spaces,

Darkened squares and

Blackened woodlands.


By day,


By night,

the dirt, grime, squalor and horror

of knotted roots,

Labyrinthine caves within stark trunks,

The leaves its lace.

By day, the fresh winds

Fetid breath by night.


Evil stalks by day.

Evil goose-steps arrogantly in the darkness

of this evil hour.

A myriad torches ~ Nürnberger-Mode

Long vulture flames leaping,

Clutching at stars

That lightning reminder

of the Host

That ominous dismembered hand

that writing on the wall …

Consignment ~ oblivion

But Extinction ~ is not!


It stalks the land in many guises.

The righteousness of a kind

is not a garment unfamiliar?

Pretending to lurk in only subterranean places,

It basks naked and deliberate

in the light of humankind.


In the tiniest crack

it makes its home.

That unseen tiniest crack

becomes gargantuan,

as it multiplies itself

million to billion.

Its hovel becomes a house,

Its house a manor,

Its manor a mansion,

Its mansion a palace,

Its palace ~ everything!


Yet to naked eye

only the tiniest crack is evident

or even worse,

not evident at all!

The master of disguise,

It dons the cloak of respectability

to hide its odious demeanour.

It sees no borders,

It brooks no quarter.

Exposed to light,

it does not flee as the good insist!

It basks in that light,

its cloak of respectability

laundered afresh

speaking its language,

its dialect high and with perfection,

and stares its challenger boldly in the eye.

What you hear is a travesty of justice!

We demand an apology!!

There are no such places!

Rape we would not permit!!

These are lies, all lies

from putrid, fetid minds!!!

He or she who goose-strides

the parade-square today

will goose-stride streets,

promenades and public squares


He or she who votes themself

as undisputed, uncontested leader

for life,

is evil personified!

In a mirror

sees he, not a crumpling man,

a vain-glorious woman

but of their ‘deity’ convinced,

they each rise above . . .

Poison is their calling card.

Auditoriums stacked with

compulsory happy smiling

regimented faces,

clapping to order …

god forbid

any man, woman, child even

who dares

to clap out-of-synch

with brainwashed brethren …



His eyes look beyond borders

to shorelines of peaceful peoples,

the subjugation of island peoples

and former colonial peoples

his warped and fetid speciality.

War, his constant threat,

upon his smelly dirty

liver-rotten breath. is Mrs Ping

who seems to have had

something of a bad make-up day

with this morning’s vanity mirror.

But god forbid

that any should tell Mrs Ping …

How does it go?

better the devil you know …

… his mouth farts his ‘negotiated’ treaties,

his brain feeding on megalomania,

Mrs Ping’s side-kick Pooty Booty

He’s having a bad hair day too.

Why don’t I FEEL like 007?!?!

I’ve got his naked torso …

Evil agrees with this …

when secretly Evil means that

or agreeing that …

Evil brazenly does this

Evil comes in many forms.

Evil’s greatest triumph :


devil, beelzebub, satan, sataan,

Humankind bought it

hook, line and sinker!


Because humankind IS

naturally evil!

25 October 2022
All Rights Reserved

© Kenneth Thomas Webb 2022

First Written 28 September 2016

Ken Webb is a writer and proofreader. His website, kennwebb.com, showcases his work as a writer, blogger and podcaster, resting on his successive careers as a police officer, progressing to a junior lawyer in succession and trusts as a Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives, a retired officer with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, and latterly, for three years, the owner and editor of two lifestyle magazines in Liverpool.

He also just handed over a successful two year chairmanship in Gloucestershire with Cheltenham Regency Probus.

Pandemic aside, he spends his time equally between his city, Liverpool, and the county of his birth, Gloucestershire.

In this fast-paced present age, proof-reading is essential. And this skill also occasionally leads to copy-editing writers’ manuscripts for submission to publishers and also student and post graduate dissertations.